A/N #2

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So uh... sorry for not updating for a while. I've been super busy with homework and finals week is next week so I have to do a lot of preparing for that. 

(Also I may or may not have temporarily forgotten about this story (sorry) and I've been catching up on a bunch of the books in my "to-be-read" reading list because I still have 119 (or something like that) books to read.)

I'm gonna try and update more over break but I might not. 

Why am I only just now realizing that my entire update schedule is based around updating at midnight and when it's convenient? (Mostly when I can't sleep.)

Oh also, from now on I will be italicizing the character's thoughts as well as the words I want to emphasize. 

Anyway, sorry again. Have a good morning/afternoon/evening, 

LFLgam3r, out. 

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