A/N #4

109 4 1

So uh...

Sorry for not updating for a while. Over Winter Break I was just trying to catch up on all the books I have yet to read. Like seriously, I have 124 books that I still need to read/finish reading so I was focusing on that. 

And after break was over, I was trying to adjust back into school because I somehow forgot how to high school over a 2-week break. 

Also I may or may not have forgotten this book existed. We don't talk about that part. 

From now on, I'm going to do my best to update at least twice a week at a time other than midnight. I don't know the specific days I'll update because I like keeping people on their toes. Also because I can't make up my mind on which days I should update. 

And thanks for 2k reads. Sorry again for not updating. 

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening, 

LFLgam3r, out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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