Chapter 18

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Tomorrow is the day for Final Exams and Higari, AKA Pro Hero Power Loader, is absolutely not looking forward to this.

Nezu changed this year's plan at the very last second. Instead of fighting robots like it used to be, he wanted the students to fight teachers instead. it was clear, from the USJ invasion and the Hosu incident, that villains nowadays were a lot more vicious than ever. The headmaster wanted the students to be ready. He wanted them to know how to use their quirk efficiently to another human instead of brutally destroying a machine and cogs. Nothing too mind-breaking. In fact, everyone kind of expected this.

However, tomorrow was class 1-A's turn to attend the exam.

And boy. They simultaneously groaned in defeat at that.

Why? Only one obvious answer to that obvious question.

Midoriya Izuku.

The green-haired kid had been an enigma since the day he came to the teacher's meeting and blew every inch of their quirk apart that day. He was smart, he was agile, and he didn't like heroes (not saying everyone should love this occupation without complaint. It was just weird for a kid not to have any fascination towards it, especially as his own family sang compliments almost every day) and was a target of a high-ranking villain for some reason. Higari never really gave him any more attention than the usual students. Not only Izuku wasn't in his class, but he was also busy keeping Mei, the genius wonder of the Support Department, in check.

However, everything changed after the Sports Festival. After he showed his intelligence once again to the world and gained the utmost attention of his crazy pink-haired pupil.

Now, Izuku visited their lab frequently; be it on his own accord or forcefully dragged by Mei.

Higari now understood the apprehension that shrouded the tired-looking child amidst the fond gushing, lingering on the atmosphere like Midnight's quirk but permanent. Oh, he's a nice kid, alright. Listening to other people's problems and giving them tips on how to solve them if they asked him to. But the moment someone pissed him off or mocked those people he cared dearly, he'd tear them. A perk of having an analysis skill, you see. That he easily pointed out their weaknesses and threatened to disable their quirk with simple support items. And speaking about support items, whether it was actually his main reason or he was just taking advantage of the apparent free reign, Mei was cheerfully enabling him. Higari didn't want to know why Izuku needed paralyzing drugs, stun grenades, sleeping gas grenades, tear gas grenades, or any grenade that could easily knock out an adult elephant, really.

And honestly, he didn't really want to know.

Now, here's the problem of Nezu's newest idea. They have to face class 1-A.

They have to face him.

A child who literally equipped with tons and tons of weapons he was not afraid to use.

Shota was trying to dissuade that idea. Saying that Izuku is not UA's student and he didn't have to join in on this exercise. The greenette's even said so himself before he 'attended' the school.

Then the principal, the cruel, little rodent that he was, said they have to or else there'll be an imbalance; 20 students within one class means 2 students per teacher. Izuku agreed, albeit with a ton of complaints.

Everyone immediately huddled together. Present Mic suggested using rock-paper-scissors to determine who was unfortunate enough to have to face him. A black sheep they needed to sacrifice to contain the devil called Midoriya Izuku.

Maijima Higari patted All-Might's back as he said, "Rest in peace, my friend."

The other teachers solemnly nodded.

Toshinori whimpered.

(A/N(Original Author)): This chap is here solely to inform you guys where in the heck Izuku got his paralyzing poison in the last chapter :'D

All-Might lose, by the way '3'

(A/N(This Author): I can't sleep and editing is fun for me for some reason. I don't understand why I find it fun, I just do. Someone send help. 

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening, I'm actually gonna go to sleep now.

LFLgam3r, out. 

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