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When everyone finally arrived, more than hour later because of the traffic said the last to be arrived: Lewis, Nico George and Alex ! All the others were already in the living room lying down on the sofas, beanbags or on the ground covered with blankets and pillows.
The youngest were already fighting because of which character is the most powerful and Alex and George join them :

Lando, Lance ,Esteban, Mick and Carlos trying to convince Logan,Alex, George, Max, Charles, Pierre and Yuki that Iron man is better than Captain America.... Well Pierre was agree with that but he wouldn't assume the fact is he agree with Esteban !
And Oscar, Liam, Guanyu, Nyck... They watching the chaos before tell that Black Widow and Thor are the best and strongers characters.

The oldest ones chat were chatting calmly among themselves or helping Seb in the kitchen.
When Seb, Kimi, Romain, Jenson, Nicholas and Lewis arrive in the living room it was hell : the kids were shouting loudly and don't hear Seb who's telling them to be quiet.


All the kids stopped to scream and looked at Kimi with a slightly scared expression on their face. After that the 6 drivers put the snacks and drinks on the table and give a bowl to each people like that they can serve themselves snacks in and don't have to move when they want to eat .Seb make sure that everyone is here before put the lights down and start the movie.



It pretty calm most of the kids fell asleep in the middle of the second movie. I look around me to see everybody. Carlos have a sleepy lando in his arm and next to him Pierre is in a same position with Yuki. Charles is asleep with his head on max's shoulder. Alex and George are sit on one of the sofas and showing each other somethings funny on their phones, next to them was Nico...With a sleepy Lewis cuddling in this arm ! I think I am going to have a talk with Lewis tomorrow. On an other sofa Mark, Jenson and Fernando are awake unlike the two youngs drivers next to them : Oscar and Logan, Oscar has his head on Logan's legs.

Checo have a Russian man beside him but the two are still awake and watch the movie...Well Checo look regularly the Russian with a sad expression on his face. I will talk to him tomorrow too ! Kevin is asleep too, his head rest on Romain's shoulder. Nico is sat next to the danish and look at him with an angry expression, I was thinking they were in good terms... Apparently not! Valtteri have two young man asleep in his arm but seem like he doesn't care : he watch to the movie and talk quietly to Nicholas and Antonio. The last one has a Australian driver sleeping next to him with Liam, concentrate on the movie, behind him.

I look at my right and see Mick next to me. Esteban has him and lance in his arms and the three are asleep. After that I look at my left to see Kimi who's already looking at me. I smile softly when he put his arm on my waist and I let my head on his chest.

-It's so calm! The kids are nearly all asleep it's great. » I tell to him while yawning

- Yes it's great . You must sleep too you're exhausted. » he answered me

I don't heard the end of the sentence because I was already asleep.


Hey guy! Sorry for the mistakes especially with the tenses I have a lot of difficulties with that...
And it's not a groupchat chapter but I hope you would like it 🤞🏻

And I would to tell you that maybe I would write about the races but I don't really know ! It would be their reaction on the gc
But it rest only 4 races ( at the moment I write this ) so maybe I would write about the races only next year 🤷‍♀️

[Yeah I wrote this one weeks ago... But I didn't have electricity because of the Storm Ciaran so I can't post it, the last weekend. I'm back at school and I don't have that much chapter in advance so I think there will have one chapter by week (well I hope ) ]

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