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Private chat between Seb and Lewis:

Lew ?

Yes, Seb ?

What happens between you and Nico ?


Lewis ! 

I swear there is nothing between him and I

So why was you asleep in his arms yesterday ?

I don't know ...

Lewis ?
Lewis! Answer please !
I won't judge you !
I just wanna know !
I swear Lewis I hate you !

No you don't 😌


Private chat between Lew 💜 and Nico 🤍:

Seb know ...

Why are you so afraid ! He's your best friend!

Yeah I know but...

You scared that he hates you if he knows that we are together ?


Hey love 💜 he can't hate you ! He has always be here for you and he accept all of your choices so why it would be change ?

Yeah you're right ... What would I do without you 🤍

💜 Nothing
And don't forget I love you 💜

Love you too 🤍

Private chat between Seb and Lewis :

Hey Seb...

You will answer my question?

Yes ...
Nico and me are in couple

Why you don't tell me ?

I was scared...

Of what ? You know I always accept your choice !

Yeah I know...

But I swear if he hurt you I will kill him !

He won't hurt me Seb don't worry ! Thanks

Private chat between Max and Seb :

Seb ?

Yes Max ?

Can you pick me up at the hospital please?

Of course
Wait WHAT ?
Why are you at the hospital??

Maybe I drove a little bit faster and I had an accident 😅 but please don't tell anyone 🙏

Oh god ! Are you okay?! I'll be here in fifteen minutes

Yep I'm okay don't worry ! Thanks Seb


Dad: Hey you're okay?

Big bro : Yes don't worry

Little bro : And without the lie ?

Big bro : It's nothing really

Dad : no ! We know you are not okay but we can't help you because we don't know why... So please tell us

Big bro : I'm just not good enough

Little bro : Not good enough?! Are you kidding?! World champion in formula E ! Many victories and podium !

Dad : Listen Kid you are good enough! Alpha tauri and red bull are assholes for don't gave you the time you deserved!

Big bro : Yeah... Thanks you guys 🤍

Little bro: don't forget you're amazing 🤍

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