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Pov Guanyu :

We have been playing truth or dare for nearly an hour now and I have to say that we all have been laughing at the dare which were given... because of course under the influence of Daniel and Max, nearly no one chose truth !
The best dares on my opinion were : Hulk having to kiss Kevin, and Kevin had to sat on Nico's laps, Max and Charles had to dance a slow together, Jenson had to kiss Romain, Nicholas and Antonio had to do a competition of shot, Fred and Robert had to play 7 minutes in heaven, of which one they go out with red cheeks but ,according to them , nothing happened...
Oh ! And Daniil had to kiss the prettiest in the room and he chose....CHECO ! It's not totally surprised me but Checo was really surprised and he is still red and doesn't dare to look at Daniil...

Why half of the grid is dumb? Nobody even realised that they crush love them ! I have a lot of work if I want to put all of them together... But my priority is Hulk and Kevin.

Talking about these two it's, been 20 minutes that they are in the closet, we have maybe ignored the timer...maybe. But yeah it's time to let them coming out. Daniel yelled at them that it was time, and the two of them just come out with a smile but nothing weird otherwise...

Romain directly ask something to Kevin as soon as he was back next to him, and I saw Nico do the same to the other Nico.

- Hulk ! Your turn ! ( Lando)
- Ok.Humm... Carlos ? Truth or dare ?
- Truth!
- Oh come on ( Max and Daniel at the same time)
- Okay so... how was your date on Valentine's Day ? You never told us

Oh it's true that ! I think we all have forgotten about that with all the things which have happened... I turn to Carlos and wait for him to answer, he looks quickly at Lando with a sad smile bégaiera finally gave the answer, not wanting to look at Lando after that which was happy and sad at the same time, not realising that Carlos was probably speaking about him.

- Oh hum, it went well , the man was nice and all but yeah... I think I'm in love with someone else so... we aren't going to see us again, unfortunately because he was such a nice person and very funny ! But it's better for both of us, I didn't want to use him to forget someone it's not nice.

- You make the good decision mate, says Charles.

We make a few more questions and then we played beer bong and after that we made a blind test, and weirdly nobody was very drunk!

The blind test was at first in group but it turn in an individual competition, and no one was really counting the point so I'm not sure we can call it a competition by the way... But anyway the blind test turn progressively to a karaoke, for the happiness of Daniel , Lando and Pierre .

We laughed a lot at everyone singing, and even to ourselves, because obviously we have all a different level in singing, and with the alcohol it doesn't really help!  But the more funny that the completely random duos who were singing together, on random songs ( like it's a algorithm who decided which song it will be ). All the songs were massacred by us... between the language they we doesn't really know at the music we didn't know either it wasn't easy.

We all laugh at Arthur remaking his famous « string in a light », and when a French song called Dernière tentative have been played ,we saw all the French speakers looking at Esteban who was the one who singing this one. And it must be a song that Esteban knew because he was barely looking at the lyrics, which made Romain go talk to Este after the song finish. I don't know what this song is about but apparently it's pretty worrying if someone knows it by heart if we rely on the French speakers' reactions.

We continue to sing the rest of the night and to my happiness the night ended by Lando and Carlos kissing at the end of the last song they sung together.
Hopefully they don't forget that and talk to the other about their feelings...

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