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Kimi's Pov

I have the idea to take all of us to the mountain to go skiing, sledding and snowboarding. I tell Seb and he agrees with the idea so when everyone is in the kitchen I tell them the program of the day.

_ Okay, listen please. Today we are going skiing, sledding and snowboarding. Those who don't want to come can rest at the house. We will be back around 1pm. And this afternoon we will go to the lake to ice skate .

All the kids were excited, except Esteban who decided to rest at the house and sleep because he is tired. Kevin rests at the house too, he is a little bit sick because of his walk yesterday. He agrees to make lunch so we have to tell him when we left to go home.

Arrive at the mountain I ask everyone what they want do:

_So you have the choice between skiing, sledding or snowboarding. And no Valtteri go on the river isn't an option!

I add seeing him look at the little river next to the car park. They all laugh at my sentences.

Arthur, Charles, Stoffel, Seb, Fernando, Valtteri, Romain, Checo, Antonio, Nicholas, both Nico, Daniil, Marcus, Mark, Logan, Alex, Georges, Yuki, Nyck and me want to go skiing.

Théo, Victor, Ollie, Fred, Paul, Robert, Dennis, Mick, Lance, Max, Daniel, Lando and Liam, them want to go sledding. I name Daniel as the responsible of the group... This group can end really badly. Let's hope neither of them are gonna be hurt.

And the rest goes snowboarding, it's a small group so I'm not worried about them since Lewis and Jenson  make sure they don't do anything stupid. And the kids they have to keep an eye on are pretty quiet, Oscar, Guanyu, Nikita, Jack, Pierre, and Carlos...

Nico's Pov (H)

After skiing a little with the others Nico and I decide to take a break and talk around a drink.

I've noticed that  Kevin doesn't sleep a lot during the night so I was a little bit worried about this. Nico sees it and asks me where the things are between Kevin and me.

_ I don't know... Yesterday when we found him he gave me a hug and I gave him my jacket because he was freezing. But this morning nothing... We didn't talk at all. And I noticed he doesn't sleep a lot. I think it's like that every night because he looks so tired...
I don't know what to do.

_ You know what I will say to you...

_ Yeah...

_(The 2 at the same time) : talk to him...

We both laugh and start talking about something else.

_ Talking about love I don't tell you Lewis and I are together right?

_ What?! Since when ?

_ Nearly 3 years now.

_ And you never told me !

_ Sorry but promise you won't tell anyone please!

_ Of course but you know you two are not very discreet to hide your feelings even if everyone thinks you just like each other.
Thinking about it, it was pretty obvious... like the time Seb invited us to a movie night and Lewis and you share a car. Your excuse was your car was broken but you have like what ... 6 cars ?! And you don't even live in the same country...

_ Yeah... it wasn't the best excuse I gave but yeah nobody noticed so we aren't the stupidest.

We both laugh and change the subject of our conversation.

End of Nico's Pov

Skiing group:

Apart from a few falls at the start, which made everyone laugh, all were pretty good at skiing. So they separate the group to do some different ski slopes. The 2 Nico have already left the ski slope.

The Leclerc brothers left together on a simple ski slope. Nobody saw them leave the group so when it was time to go to the meeting point, they were surprised to not find them.
Kimi, Seb, Romain, Valtteri, Fernando, and Nicos  left the kids with the others to search for the stupids brothers.

30 minutes later , the 2 other groups arrived and no one of them was missing. They waited again 10 minutes to see the 2 boys came back with the olders. They were loose in the station...and Charles fell on his hand so it's a little bit painful. Those two are so fucking dumb!

Sledding group :

This group was, weirdly, the less chaotic group in a certain way. Daniel made sure no one was hurt and had fun. He organized some races, obviously Max won the majority of them. Of course some of them fall but they have a lot of fun together.
They laughed so much that their cheeks were painful... but it wasn't that painful just a little bit !

And no one was missing or hurt in this group!

Snowboarding group:

Lewis and Jenson were the responsible ones so they had fun and made sure no one was getting hurt.
Guanyu learned how to snowboard with Nikita, because he wanted to learn and Nikita agreed to teach him.
Jack, Oscar, Pierre and Carlos make a kind of competition to know which one was the best.... In reality they don't care and just have fun.
After a while, Carlos rushes into Oscar because he hasn't seen him. It ends with Oscar having a really painful knee so Jenson has to carry him to join the others. Fortunately it was time to go home. Well they have to wait ten minutes for Arthur and Charles.

Mark and Daniel were very worried when they saw that Oscar was hurt and they were about to kill Carlos because of this if they knew it was him. Oscar told them he fell by himself like this Carlos wouldn't be in trouble even if he doesn't do it intentionally.

After all those misadventures, they finally get home and savor the meal Kevin cooked with Esteban help.
They put some ice on Oscar's knee and Charles' hand.

Hopefully the 2 of them could go with them around the lake to do some ice skating. This time everyone was ice skating and a lot of chutes happened but no one was really hurt. They all laugh at every chute even if they were themselves who fell!
After a while, Oscar still had pain in his knee so he sat down on the floor and looked at the other.

Logan notices it and joins him to make a Snowman before receiving a snowball on their back. It was Lando who threw it, so they started a snowball war. 
Everyone joined them and everyone was laughing. Daniel fell on his back on the snow and started to make an angel.

After this funny afternoon they go back home and start to make pizzas for everyone.
They planned a party for tonight with alcohol and soft drinks for the youngsters because Seb doesn't want them to drink alcohol.


The party will be in another chapter.
Hope you like it!

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