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Nico's Pov ( R ):

The rest of the week passed really fast.
The boys make some Christmas cookies and all sorts of biscuits, dessert or else like crepe, pancakes, gaufres...

One day they decided to organize a game night. So everyone was in the living room playing some board games or card games.
Uno, double, scrabble, Monopoly, jungle speed,...

We were also eating the cookies they cooked. They were really good so I guess Seb or another of the olders was with them.

_Orh tu fais chier Théo ! (Victor said in a laugh)

The French guys were playing "au nain jaune" and from time to time we could hear them laugh or scream. I looked at them to see Kevin play with them and laugh with Romain.
Mick and Lance were next to Esteban and laughed at Victor's... poor him he was losing.
I was happy to see Esteban laughing too, since we were here he was often alone and sad or anxious, tired ,but since the night when Max and Pierre fight, he is always with Lance and Mick and looks a little more happy.

Kevin also looks less tired since Nico and Romain switched rooms. It was Nico's idea since he notices Kevin doesn't sleep. He was thinking that if Kevin shared a room with Romain, maybe Kevin could sleep. And he was right because now Kevin wasn't tired in the morning and he's not the first downstairs in the morning.

I looked at Nico next to me. He was looking at Kevin with sadness on his face. I give him a little nudge and when he looks at me a little smile and a hug. I saw Lewis quit the living room a little bit angry and Seb follow him.

The rest of the youngsters were playing different games and from time to time we could hear them laugh or scream when someone had to pick cards or pay, of course the one who had to do that was the one who screamed while the others were laughing.

_Noooo come on guys!

I looked at Charles and saw him with... maybe half of the Uno's cards in his hand! And I saw him pick up another card. Max, Daniel, and Pierre were laughing at him and Lando, Carlos, Alex and George were simply smiling amused.

_Nikita! You're cheating!
_ No it's not true!

This time I look at Guanyu, Nyck, Nikita, Robert, Logan, Arthur, Fred, Ollie and Paul. They were playing monopoly and were laughing at Robert who was losing. He accused Nikita of cheating because he wouldn't admit he was losing.

The adults were on the sofas talking and laughing at the kids or playing with them. I couldn't find Oscar and Mark. I knew Fernando and Jenson were in the kitchen making dinner. Stoffel, Liam and Jack were playing jungle speed together.
I saw Mark coming downstairs with a concerned look on his face.

Suddenly Seb came back to the living room and told me Lewis was in our bedroom but doesn't want to see me now. I asked him why and he simply left to go into the kitchen.

When I go to sleep he doesn't talk to me appart to saying he doesn't want to sleep in the same bed as me so I take the second bed.


Lando's pov:

The next day we decided to do a live twitch and played video games. So all the youngsters were in the gaming room right now. We have played Fortnite, fifa and f123 and now we were playing to just dance and just sing, we were divided in two groups.

I was reading the chat when I heard someone scream. First I was thinking it was one of those who were singing but when I looked behind me I saw Oscar with a bleeding nose. Logan was already next to him and I quickly joined him to make sure Oscar was okay. Daniel was shouting at Carlos when Liam came back with the olders. I said to Alex to cut the stream.

_ What's happened here ? Ask Seb
_ Carlos accidentally hit Oscar when he was dancing. And now Oscar is bleeding. Answer Charles
_ So why is Daniel shouting at Carlos?

This time it was Fernando who talked.

_ Because I'm sure he did it on purpose !
_ Why do you think that !?
_ We all know Carlos doesn't love Oscar !
_ Guys... Don't yell at him, it's my fault. I was there and he couldn't see me
_  Really?! And in snowboarding it couldn't see you too ? Now I think that he clearly could avoid you.

After Pierre said that Mark and Daniel were nearly to hit him but Fernando and Max held them back .

_ I didn't do it on purpose! Like he said it's his fault not mine.
And I don't know why you are all protecting him. I know he is weak but at this point?!

When he adds this Max and Fernando let Mark and Daniel rush to where he was and start to hit him. I took Oscar downstairs with Logan and Seb. He was crying.

_ Sorry for Carlos. I tell to him
_ No, don't worry... like I said it's my fault.
_ No Oscar it's not your fault! It's his fault. I don't know why he acts like an asshole with you!

I hug him, Daniel and Mark come to see Oscar. They hug him too. I could see that Kimi was with Carlos and told him to apologize to Oscar. He didn't do it and left for our room.

I was angry about him ! What's wrong with him ?!


A little bit of drama !

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