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I wake up and feel something on my chest...Not something but someone ! Seb ! I smile softly when I remember what happened yesterday. Seb was so tired that he is just fall asleep before the end of the movies, like nearly everyone but me. I didn't want wake up him so I just slept here too. And now I don't want to wake him neither but I'm hungry so I try to move without wake him. After a moment I managed to go in the kitchen without wake anyone and I start to make breakfast for everyone, after drink a coffee of course.

Valtteri is the first to join me in the kitchen follow by Jenson and they help me to make breakfast. The others join us in the kitchen gradually, more or less awake. After an hour and a half everyone is in the kitchen, talking around a breakfast.


When I wake up, Kimi is not next to me. I hear some noise from the kitchen and join the kitchen where I find the majority of the drivers having breakfast and talking together. Only Max, Checo, Nico H are not awake.

- Hello » I tell before making myself a coffee and sitting down in a free seat between Kimi and Mick.

After twenty minutes, all the drivers are awake and conversations are lively. Daniel and Antonio talk and laugh, and I notice that Charles and Max are not next to him as usual. So I look around and see them at the other end of the table, Max looks angry and Charles looks sad when he look at Daniel. What going on with them ? I have to talk to them later, like Lewis and Checo. Talking about them Lewis and Nico (R) are sit next to each other but they ignore each other... And Checo looks very tired and in his thoughts like Nico (H).

Mick ask me if we can do this again. I look very confused because he add :

- the movie night »
- Oh yes of course ! » I answer with a smile

Those who are heard this are obviously very happy. But Max are always angry and quickly tell us goodbye before left the kitchen and the house, and no longer after we hear a car Start and leave. I look at Kimi a little bit worried but he reassures me.

The drivers start to leave gradually after clean their place and after 30 minutes only Kimi is still here. He look for a long time before wonder :

- Are you okay?
- Yes don't worry...
- You don't look to be okay. So tell me...
- I worry about Max, Checo, Nico and Charles... They wasn't look to be alright yesterday and this morning...
- Yeah I noticed that but I think Max, Nico and Charles are just jealous
- Jealous of who ? And why ?
- Max of Antonio because of Daniel. Charles of Daniel maybe...Because of Max.
And Nico I think it's about Kevin.
- Oh ... but Checo ?
-I don't know.
- I will send them a message later to know and I will send one to Lewis too !
- Why ?
- You didn't saw him yesterday with Rosberg ? They act like they hate each other but then Lewis sleep in Nico's arms !
- Bwoah. You're right.

After this we finish to clean the living room and Kimi leave. I grab my phone to text Lewis and wait for his answer...

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