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Pov Guanyu :

Jenson had texted the group chat earlier today to tell us that we need to join him at his house tonight. He wanted to make a party and obviously everyone was agree with it. So now it's been 2hours since I'm in front of my closet to try to find a nice outfit to wear. I finally choose an outfit and go to the bathroom to take a shower and be ready.

After 30 minutes I get out of the bathroom and at the same time I receive a text on my phone. I checked my phone to see it was Nikita saying he was there in 5 minutes. He had proposed himself to bring me to the party and I gladly accepted.

'' Right on time'' I said to myself before putting my shoes on and close my apartment door and go waiting outside. Nikita arrived not long after and we made our way to Jenson's while talking about random things.

Unfortunately we're late because of an accident on the road, from what I understood it was a cow (which escaped from the farm not far away) which was walking at the middle of the road causing two trunks collided and cars hitting trees or being upside down ?! Anyway every one was fine and the cow had been returned to her house.

And obviously there wasn't another road to go to there house... so we are nearly 2 hours late. And we were the last one who had arrived.

When we finally arrived everyone was joking with everyone and all the tensions seemed to belong to the past. Jenson greeted us with a smile and , cause of our confused faces, explain us what happened while they were waiting us : at first the atmosphere was heavy between some but step by step everyone start to apologise and decided to stop avoiding their friends.

So now everyone are happy and not in conflict anymore. About time...
We join everyone in the garden and Seb hold us sodas so we thanks him and started to drink.

- Now that Guanyu and Nikita are here can we play a game ? Asked Lando .
- YES ! LET'S PLAY I HAD OR I HAD NEVER ! Daniel shouted.
- LET'S DO IT WITH SHOT ! Added George

We all turn to the adult ( especially Seb) to see if they were agree and the response was.... Yes !? Seb looked not very sure about that but he accepted. Which make all the others young happy.
So we all sat around a little camp fire meanwhile Jenson and Romain go to search shot glasses. Once they came back they give one to all of us and we all filled them with vodka (for the greatest happiness of Daniil, Valterri, Kevin and Kimi).

- I start ! Yelled Lando
- Go ahead
- Hummm... Okay ! I had never date someone from tinder (or other meetings app)
-Oh that's a good question ! Laughed Daniel

I agree with them ! Lando had asked a really good question. I look at the boys to see who was gonna drink and... A lot of drivers have done it ?! Wait what ?! I'm not really surprised with Esteban, Pierre, Charles, Carlos, George or even Lewis but I'm more surprised with Seb, Nikita, Nyck, Victor, Kevin, Logan, Oscar, Fred and Paul. And I'm not the only one apparently

- Wait Seb know how to use Tinder ?! (Lando)
-Logan? Oscar? Fred? Paul? What ?! You never told me ! ( Mick and Ollie )
- Victor ? I'm not really surprised for Este and Pierre but you ? (Romain)
-Lew ? (NicoR)

I turn to Nyck and Nikita and ask them when, why they never told me and how it was, if the person was nice and all... They  both told me it was a long time ago (few years) and Nikita add the boy wasn't a good person at all... so he left the date early.
After a while and some explication from the ones who had drinking, and of course they refill their glass with vodka, the game restart. But I only think that nobody seems to notify that Kevin has drink too, well maybe Nico has because he looks at Kevin with a sad face... Those two really need help to see the fact that the other love them too, well for Nico it's easy to see that he loves Kevin but Kevin hide very well his feelings so... yeah...

-Okay I will go next, Daniel said, I had never be in love with a friend's brother or sister

The only person who drink was Pierre and with the face of Charles switching from him to his brother who looks at his feet and both of them avoiding Charles' eyes... I think we know which friends it was and which brother...

-T'auras pas besoin c'était quand on était plus jeune on est sorti même pas trois mois ensemble et on s'est séparé parce qu'on s'était rendu compte que c'était impossible nous deux ! (Pierre)
- Is it true ? ( Charles asked his brother)
- Yes...

Charles had calmed down a bit after that but they go a little further to explain all the situation to him. I don't know what was the explanation , I don't understand French, but with the look on the French speakers' faces I guess this isn't bad or good just unexpected. We continue the game without the three of them, who were still talking into the house and even if we couldn't heard, we could see that Charles was still mad at Pierre...

-Anyways, my turn (Said Oscar) , I had never ... send a nudes to the wrong person !

WoW, we wouldn't have expected Oscar asking a question like that but ...yeah he just did it. Mark and Daniel were looking proudly at him while Seb and a few of the other drivers were, like me , in shock. But Oscar was waiting for some person to drink, and after the shock passed, we saw Seb, Lewis, Romain, Both Nico, Robert, Fred take a shot.


- Still traumatised (said Seb,Lewis, Kevin ,NicoH , Logan and Oscar at the same time )
-Sorry , it's the only answer that came from the boys, meanwhile Oscar and Logan look at each other like « you too »

We continued to play this game and after some time we decided to play truth or dare, and at the same time Arthur, Pierre and Charles came back. I guess Charles isn't angry anymore and that Pierre had be hits by Charles.

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