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In Miss Bustier's class, Amber stands at the front of the room, a proud smile on her face.

"Amber is running for the class representative position and she will be looking for takers as her class deputy. Do we have any other candidates?" Miss Bustier asks.

Amber looks over at Kim and Rose, knowing that they probably would like to run too, but they simply smiled at her and gave her thumbs-up.

Marinette then stumbles into the classroom abruptly, causing everyone to stare at her as she heads to her seat, "Hi! I'm sorry! I-uh, I-uh, uh, the bus, um" she fake coughs, "Dry throat!"

"I half expected Chloé to run." Alya whispers to her, "But Amber running was pretty unexpected. I thought she would be too busy."

"Ryder has always been our class representative, but only because his parents forced him into it. Now that he's free of them, he can do whatever he wants." Marinette explains before smirking, "Oh! Why don't you run as candidate? You'd make an awesome representative!"

"No can do. My blog is a full-time job!" Alya told her, "Besides, Amber will be a perfect representative! She has amazing leadership skills."

Marinette rolls her eyes at this. She just didn't want Amber to be class rep because she thought the power would get to her head and feed her ego.

"Alright, I'll give all of you until the end of lunch to decide if you'd like to be a candidate or if you would like to be Amber's deputy." Miss Bustier says.


Marinette decided to take the time to ask her classmates why they weren't running against Amber. She started by asking Kim, "They did Amber somehow get you to not run? Was she gonna put in a good word for you with Chloé?"

"No." Kim told her with a confused expression, "Amber takes pride in all our futures. I've seen how she puts others first before herself. And back at her boarding school, she was elected as a class leader for her group. She already has experience with leading."

The bluenette's eyebrows furrow as she goes to Rose next, "Rose, I was sure that you would run for class rep. Why not run against Amber?"

"Amber is one of the sweetest girls I know." Rose exclaims with a smile, "She gives us all opportunities to do the things we love. Like the scrapbooking club! When she hung out with me for a day, she and I got to understand each other better and see what we have a common."

Marinette looked even more frustrated. Amber must have screwed up with someone. She went to see Alix, "Why aren't you running for class rep?"

"I couldn't care less about being a candidate. Besides, Amber and I share a sense of responsibility. I showed her my family heirloom and she showed me hers. Why are you even asking anyway? What's your excuse?"

"Well, uh, I'm...really busy!" Marinette thinks about the times she saved the city as Ladybug.

"With what? Oversleeping?" Alya asks.

"Well, no! But, uh, well, I guess I would run if no one else did."

"Girl, why are you asking everyone if they're running? Amber is a wonderful person. Have some faith in her."

Marinette crosses her arms stubbornly.


"So, are there any new candidates who would like to run against Amber?" Miss Bustier asks. Marinette glances back at Kim and Rose, looking frustrated, "Given that Amber is the only candidate, there's no point in voting. So, Amber..."

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