- eighteen -

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I don't wanna think of
anything else now that I
thought of you.

I don't wanna think ofanything else now that Ithought of you

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We are sharing cookies.

It still feels like an achievement after Nathaniel told me that my angel doesn't share her cookies with anyone, but she offers me cookies and that was enough to boost my ego.

My focus was on my angel while hers was on the cookies.

I don't know when it started or how it started but I have been getting this feeling that I haven't felt that before. But as soon as Angel came into my life I have been feeling this whenever I see her talk about something with stars in her eyes or talk to someone ignoring me. Not that I hate it, I love that she's stepping out of her comfort zone and talking to others. I also get this feeling whenever she compliments someone else. Now I know that I'm not dumb to not know that I am getting jealous.

I am jealous of these damn cookies.

I'm jealous of Marciano, that he calls her princess.

I'm jealous of Sebastian, even though his eyes are not as pretty as mine, but she still complimented him.

But why am I jealous? She's my best friend and I am hers. Yet I am jealous whenever I am around and her attention is not on me.

I should do what Maria does to get my attention. She throws tantrums and destroys my stuff that gets me angry and she gets my attention but I don't think destroying angel's stuff will make her happy. I don't think that's a good idea.

What else does Maria do? She annoys me and gets my attention. She disturbs my sleep at night and gets my attention. Now thinking about her. I kind of miss her.

According to Leonardo's mom, she needed a vacation, and Maria is with her. It's not like she's mine anyway. She can go wherever she wants and since she is basically a daughter to Leonardo's mom, I don't think anyone can stop her.

Anyways, why am I still thinking about her? My angel is way above Maria. Maria, that bitch, left me without a single thought!

As I finished the cookie, I went to take another one, but before I could touch the cookie, my hand touched something else, and I looked to see. I was touching my angel's hand which was touching the cookie, I looked at her, and she looked at me. I pulled my hand back.

She took the cookie, "Do you want to share it?" She asked, her eyes held the same emotion the day we first met outside the cafe. She doesn't want to share her, but is being polite.

"No, I'm full, angel." I gave her a nod before picking up the plate to clean it.

Once I was back in my seat, I looked around. The kitchen really needs to be cleaned. It's not dirty but everything is everywhere. I don't want her to do it because she clearly doesn't want to. What should I do? What should I do?

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