19. Pregnant or not?

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"Maa. Tell me. What do you mean by I'll have someone to click pics for me?" Chavi asked with now narrowed eyes. While Aisha clicked her tongue at the blunder.

"Nothing nothing beta. I said it aise hi. You go and sleep now, I am also sleepy. Goodnight bye, Radhe Radhe!" Saying this Aisha hung the call without letting Chavi speak.
(I said it randomly)
(Hail Goddess Radha)

Who looked at the phone with agape mouth.

"Something definitely not right." She muttered to herself.

She then called her mother, who picked the call in second ring.

"Finally you remember your mumma huh?" Rashita complaint thru call the first thing. Chavi rolled her eyes with a smile at her overdramatic mom.

"Mommy, I called you just yesterday." She replied to her mom in an irritating baby voice, who in reply scoffed.

"Kya Kam hai jo itni raat gaye mujhe yaad kia?" Rashita asked coming straight to the point.
(What happened that you called me this late at night?)

"You visited Aisha maa today?" She asked. And Rashita replied in a yes.

"Okay. Then tell me why did maa said that someone is going to be here to click pics for me in a few days?" She asked and Rashita panicked. She thought their surprise is bursted but the Chavi spoke further making her sigh in relief,

"Please don't tell me Sanya bhabhi is pregnant?" Chavi asked with narrowed eyes. Not that her mom could see but nonthless.

"Uhh...yeah. YES, actually this is true. Oh my God you're so genius my daughter it's absolutely right. Sanya is pregnant." Rashita said over enthusiastically and then heard the voice of something breaking from behind.

She turned around and looked back to see Laksh looking at her wide eyed, with a broken glass on the floor and his one hand in air.

The poor man was drinking water when his mother dropped the bomb.

"What?" He mouthed but Rashita just pleaded him to go away. He couldn't believe his wife was pregnant and that she decided to tell this to him mother, rather than him first.

Quickly he made his way inside his bedroom leaving Rashita alone again. Who sighed in relief.

"Oh. My. God. I knew it. The amount of love Bhai have for her, I was sure she'll be pregnant pretty soon." Chavi said and tore the wrapped of a pack of plain chips to eat.

"Shut up. How can you talk about these topics in front of your mother?" Rashita asked disgustingly.

"Oh come on mumma. It's all natural." Chavi said and made a funny face while Rashita sighed at her daughter.

"Fine fine. Whatever. Now you got the answer, hung up. I have to take care of Sanya." She said and Chavi nodded in understanding while toting a goodbye.

"Thank God, and Sanya also for saving us today." Rashita muttered to herself. Not even a second later she heard a shriek. From Laksh and Sanya's room.

"What happened?" She, and her husband Devesh ran to their kids room.

"Mom, I am pregnant?" Sanya asked to her mother in law in a ridiculous tone.

"What! You are pregnant?" Devesh asked Sanya.

"She is pregnant!" Laksh exclaimed while rubbing his forehead.

While Sanya and Devesh looked at each other confused. And Rashita was about to say something when,

"Who exactly is pregnant? I mean, you are asking Rashita while Laksh is sure. What's wrong?" Devesh spoke to Sanya and Laksh raised an eyebrow of his in confusion.

"What does that mean?" He asked his 'intelligent' father.

"Beta Laksh..tell us the truth. I mean, is it you who is pregnant?" He asked and silence fell all over the room for a minute of two.

Then slowly Rashita and Sanya looked at Laksh and laughed out loud.

"HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE DAD! IT'S BIOLOGICALLY NON-EXCEPTABLE!" Laksh screamed at his dad who stood their without doing anything.

"I was just asking. It's ok, we are okay with it even if you are pregnant." He said and Laksh almost hit his own head on the wall. While the ladies were busy laughing.

"Shut up Dev. I think we need to go from here. Leave the kids alone. No one is pregnant it was just a misunderstanding. I'll explain tomorrow." Rashita said to all and laughing her way, got back to her room. While Devesh trotted behind her.

"OMG. A pregnant Laksh! Haha I wonder how you'll look." Sanya said still laughing on Laksh's face, who locked the door and faced her.

He came near her and removed his coat before throwing it somewhere on the bed. He then removed his specs and by now, Sanya's laughs had died down and all her face showed was horror.

"Wha-what are yo-you doing?" She asked as Laksh came near her.

"Nothing. Just asking whether we should really do something to convert this misunderstanding into a reality?" He said and cupped her face.

"I-" before she could say anything he laid his lips on her.


I can't write anything further. I'm too innocent for this (sarcastically)

Lemme tell your thoughts about the Dutta, especially the 'intelligent' papa XD

Oh and...I might even write a story about Laksh and Sanya in future alone (only for Devesh)

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