24. accused and shattered

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As Chavi reached the building of her work, her phone rang. She didn't pay much attention to it. But when it kept ringing back to back for about three four times, she looked at the called.

Sid babe♡

A smile made it's way towards her lips looking at the ID unknowingly.

As she excused herself from the crowd towards a secluded section of the office, she picked up the phone.

It was actually pretty unusual since their normal time to call, normally video call, was at mid night from Chavi's side. Since that was the time when both were free. But him calling at 8 SST is...well unusual.

"You are cheating on me?" A question came straight at the start making the line go silent.

Dead. Silent.

As Chavi tried to load what the hell he just said in her head, she heard a chuckle from the other side. A bitter chuckle.

"So you indeed are. I never knew you could go this low on morals, Mrs. Chavi Sharma." He said and that was when she realised what he meant.

"What the hell are you saying Siddant! What cheating?" She asked, somehow hurt and somehow agitated. But she wanted this misunderstanding to clear so much that she could keep her ego aside for a moment.

"Do not lie to me. I have proof. The way you were so close to him, talking, smiling and touching, I can absolutely imagine what else would you two have done by now." He said and Chavi almost lost it.

"Excuse me! Are you accusing me? For what, something I am not even aware of? And whom are you taking about? I don't even know. A man? YOU are the only man in my life Siddhant." She let it out. As he was about to say something, she cut him in it.

"I thought you already knew it? I do not know who so ever gave you this information but that's PURELY WRONG is all I can say. If you do trust me, even a little, that's the case.

The only people I talk about are from work, and then Vivian. And he's our father's age. I don't know what proof you have but you are least could have consulted with me before bombarding an accusation on me, which is not even true." She said and hung up the call.

She didn't even realise when tears started falling from her eyes. Her eyeliner got smudged and she looked at the mirror behind. She looked horrible.

Quickly, she ran towards the washroom nearby and cried a little, until she was done. Retouched her make up to look presentable. Once she was satisfied, she made her way back to work.

But not before switching off her phone.

On the other hand, Siddhant was irritated by her behaviour. Actually he was irritated by his own.

He knew he made a mistake by not confronting with her first but directly accusing her for something he wasn't even sure of himself.

But then, the man being so close to his wife while he's miles away went to his head. And over it the stress of the current project he's working on. It all took a toll on him which resulted in him taking it out on Chavi. That too in the worst way possible.

Just as he was about to switch his phone off, his phone rang.

"Hello Bhai? Thank goodness you picked the phone up." From the other side, spoke Miheer.

"What is it?" He asked his brother in a cold tone.

"I am so sorry."

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