47. amusement park

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"So, where to now?" Asked Siddhant after they finished with their movie.

They had spend their whole day chatting, taking photos, matching outfits, and watched a movie together. Now it's almost seven in the evening and they are planing their next destination.

"Ummm...you know their an amusement part nearby?" Chavi suggested and Sid looked at her unamused.

"At this hour? They will probably close in like, half an hour or so." He said and turned the car with some speed making Chavi shift to his side.

"Hey! Move the car with some sense you doofus. This is not a racing track. And about amusement part, so what? At least it was a good idea." She screamed at him and then looked away outside.

While he chuckled.

"Idiot." She muttered under her breathe.

"Cute." He said out loud.


Within next five minutes, they were standing in front of the gate of amusement park.

"I...I didn't thought you'd actually drive here." She was looking at the place in front of them with wide eyes. While he just smiled at her before pulling her hand towards the park.

"How long until you guys close?" He asked the guy on the gate.

"It's open till 8." He replied.

"It's...6.55 now. Great. We want two tickets please." He said and Chavi almost did a happy dance in her mind. She has been listening her colleagues about how amazing this amusement park is. But since she was always busy with work she never had time to visit.

"Thank you." Saying so Siddhant and Chavi made their way inside.

"Which ride to, first?" He asked her again but her whole focus was somewhere else.

The softy stall.

"There." She pointed at the sweet chilly delicacy and even Siddhant's mouth watered at the sight.

"Let's go." He said and this time she pulled them towards the stall.


The hour ended in a blink and almost everyone left the place.

"You know, the first time I saw you, I didn't really thought that you were this fun to be around." Chavi confessed while eating her second softy of the evening. Her hand was wrapped around Siddhant's arm. As they were walking towards the exit of the park.

"Why so?" He sounded a little offended. Though he wasn't.

"Umm you know...you looked like the kind of man who's very handsome and rich but have zero sense of humour." She said and looking at his face, laughed out loud.

"Hawww. Did you forgot the first time we talked, we talked sarcasm? How could I be a boring person in your eyes then?" He said and stopped in his steps. She gave him a cute smile.

"I know but there's a difference in humour and sarcasm for a reason. And, I didn't really give it a thought tho. If I had, we wouldn't been married by now." She winked.

"Oh. So you married me for my money. I see." He nonchalantly said with a raised brow.

"Hah. Jokes on you, I earn more than you." And she winked again. That's true. Her salary is a little bit more than his. And both of them are proud of her for that.

"But you know....your looks might have some contribution in us getting married." She truthfully said again. This time, he smiled broadly and hugged her.

"I liked you since the very start. Even as a stranger, you had this charming aura around you na. And I knew then and there, that if one day we get married, I'll surely fall head over heels for you." He replied and her eyes widened. She instantly broke the hug, stepped away, and looked at him.

"Are you serious right now?" She asked him in disbelief. He wondered why was she this surprised.

"I mean, as far as I remember, Aisha maa told me that you were so annoyed to go on a blind date with me." She replied to him making his sigh.

"Babes, that was before I met you. Didn't your Aisha maa told you how drasticly my reaction changed after I met you?" He asked with a sinister smile and she looked away again.

"Whatever. Stop calling me these cute nicknames. I might get wrong ideas." She mumbled and started going towards the exit. He closely followed behind her, and then pulled her back to face towards him, holding her elbow.

"What if I say what you think is a wrong idea, is actually the correct one?"

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