46. Morning surprise

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The next morning, Chavi woke up on an empty bed. She was wearing Siddhant's t-shirt from yesterday and the teenage mutant ninja turtle soft toy was kept beside her.

"Where is he?" She asked herself before her gaze fell on the note kept on the side table.

Dear wife,
If you are awake, go to the balcony. I swear you'll love it :)

She smiled to herself upon seeing this. What was exactly going into her man's mind? She didn't doubt but rather followed his words and went to the attacked balcony of her room.

There she saw one more note on the basil pot.

Awesome work love.
Now go to the corridor after your room. Pretty please ;)

She sighed with a smile and went there.

On the ground was kept another note, with a big KitKat near it.

A reward for your awesome work till now. Now go to the kitchen and collect the next reward.

She took the KitKat and went to the kitchen. There, she had to work a little to find the next note which was under a plate on the counter.

I know it might have taken you longer than the rest to find, but here's a small reward for your efforts in the fridge♡

Her smile widened and she opened the fridge. There was a bowl of mango smoothie and choclate dipped fruits in a bowl. She took them out and tasted them both. Instantly fell in love with them.

"Is he a chef? I thought he was an architect! Damn.. why does it tastes so good." She muttered to herself and then saw the next note, in the fridge.

Excellent work.
Now the last but not the least one, go to the terrace.
...p.s. don't come bare foot :)

She read and realised she was indeed waking barefoot all the while. Instantly freshening up and then taking her shoes and a jacket over her shoulder, she made her way towards the terrace of the tall building she lived in.

At first, she saw nothing surprising but as soon as she took two three steps more inside the terrace, she saw a small table for two and some balloons stuck with tape on the ground in a corner.

The sight looked gorgeous.

Suddenly, while she was still busy drooling over the sight in front, she felt two arms wrap around her. She knew who he was from his smell.

"Happy first anniversary love." His voice reached her ears and she leaned her back into his chest.

"Happy first of many more years of us together." She replied and turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck.

He took one of her hands and kissed her palm. She smiled in response.

"I didn't know you were this sweet and gentle." She said and smiled slyly.

"Trust me, I am not. This sweet sight is only reserved for you. And about gentle....I think you saw how gentle I was last night, no?" He said and smirked while her ears went red.

"Yea sure." She replied trying not to let the words affect her and give her butterflies but failed miserably.

"How did you know I love mango smoothie and choclate dipped fruits?" She asked to dodge the topic they were talking on.

"I have my sources." He said and booped her nose with his finger. Then took her towards the table on the corner for their breakfast.

"Especially made by Chef Siddhant Chavi Dutt." He bowed to her and she smiled widely at his words.

"Damn...this looks so tasty." She said looking at the paneer parathe, chutney, chocolate milkshake and cutlets.

He looked at her proudly before replying.

"Just take a bite and you will realise how much more tasty it really is compared to its looks." And she did as he said and moans in ecstasy.

"So delicious. I'm loving it all." She ate some more by herself before Siddhant joined. And they spend their breakfast time together like this.

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