31. First Date?

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People say it's easy to loose feelings when you are in a long distance relationship. But for Chavi and Siddhant, it's getting quite the opposite.

They both were feeling restless and craving each other more as the days went by. Sure their misunderstanding vanished and they rekindled, but there was a damp in their hearts which craved for each other's sweet embrace, ever so secretly.

"So Bhai. Can I get you that one expensive scent that you use on special occasions?" Miheer asked as he peeked inside Siddhant's bedroom from the door which was ajar.

"Why?" A simple question came in response by Siddhant.

"Uhh..it's a secret." Miheer said and Siddhant looked at him. Only to find him blush. Hard.

"First date?" Asked Siddhant with a raised brow.

"Umm..is it that obvious?" Miheer asked again with a blush so obvious on his cheek that Sid wondered who the hell is the girl to have this much effect on him?

"Who's she? And how did you two met?" Asked Sid while getting up from his bed, keeping the papers which he was revisiting aside and taking his specs off, to go and give his baby brother whatever he want.

"Umm...a friend. We met at the cyber cafe." Replied Miheer as he took a step inside his bhai's room.

"And what were you doing at a cyber cafe? As far as I know, you are not a tech freak." He was getting intrested in his younger brother's life now. Love life, to be precise.

"It was Happy's birthday so we boys went to celebrate it at his favourite place, which came out to be a cyber cafe." He replied looking at the fragrance bottle in Sid's hands.

"Tch. Why do all your friends have such funny names. I mean, Happy's birthday." Chuckled Siddhant and Miheer nodded.

"I second that. Gotta go now, the date's at twelve. Bye and thanks." He said and pecked Sid on his cheek, to which he frowned and kicked Miheer out of his room.

"Stupid." Muttering to himself, Siddhant made his way back to the bed to work.

Incoming call : wife❤️

A smile made place on his face as he checked the caller ID.

"Hello beautiful. Comment va ma dame?" He said in a flirtous French accent and heard a laugh from the other side.
(How is my lady)

"Jolie et intelligente, comme toujours." She replied catching him by surprise.
(Pretty and smart, as always)

"Are you kidding me? Please don't tell me you know French?" He asked in amusement.

"Had it as a subject from sixth to twelth. so yea, I know it and can speak a little as well." Her reply came and he sighed.

He genuinely thought that there's this one thing, French, in which she can't beat him. But alas!

"How do you know it by the way?" She asked as she slurped on her smoothie. Today she got a day off and was relaxing in her bedroom. It was because of the office department taking the staff to some water park, but because of her periods Chavi couldn't go.

So now she's chilling in her room.

"Same reason." He said and closed the files, taking his glasses out from his eyes.

"So. How come my lady called me at this hour?" He asked coming to his flirtous tone again.

"Ummm....can't I?" She played along.

"Offcourse you can. And only you can." He replied making her frown.

"Stop talking as if you have two three wives and that I'm the best out of them." After her reply came, there was a minute or silence on the line.

After which, he bursted out laughing.

"Are you...are you for real? Like...oh God....why would you think that?" He said in between his laughter and she whined.

She knew this will make her sound stupid but before she realised, she had already spoken the words.

"It was supposed to be romantic, doofus." He said, once his laugh died down.

"Ugh. Shut up moron. I just called to thank you for the smoothie jar and the fluffy pillow which you sent me as this week's gifts. I received them yesterday night. Bye now." She said and angrily hunged up before he could reply.

Where he now smiled at himself thinking about their relations, she was flustered on the other hand.

Yay! Am back wohoo
I didn't even realise it has been about ten days since I last update.

That's why there's a double update today. As a compensation. One more chapter on the way today...

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