In The Grand Scheme

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In the grand scheme of things, you are just another human prototype, out of billions. Not exactly outstanding, perhaps, barely noticeable. Definitely with imperfections and defective designs here and there.
One of the insignificant billions that will be forgotten in a couple hundred years, if not earlier.
One of the insignificant billions on a small rock, a small rock that happens to spin a small star. A small star that is just a grain of sand in a galaxy, that is yet just another galaxy. Nothing spectacular to see here.

In the grand scheme of things, you are human.
You will make mistakes, you will laugh, you will cry. You will be capable of learning and teaching, you will have desires, you will love, you will dislike, you will like, you will hate. You will know empathy and apathy. You will have guilty pleasures personal to you.
You will enjoy the warmth of the sun on a cold day, a nice cup of cool water on a hot day. You will understand that sunrise is as beautiful as sunset. You will learn to appreciate the night sky when the stars are visible, and when nature sings in whispers about life.
To be human, is to feel, is to hope. To be human, is to live.

In the grand scheme of things, you will be okay.
Go and live. The mistakes you make will not end the world. Life will continue with or without you, so no shackles hold you to one thing. You are indeed free.
Part of you so desperately wants and needs to live. Don't let it die because you look at the grand scheme of things.
In the words of John Green,
We are not living in the grand scheme of things. We're here because we're here.

There is so much to see, there is so much to do. In your freedom, do not forget to care for yourself, for all things begin from within.
Sure, we will all die. Sure, we are not that important. But we will live, and we will be okay.

Tis 7:42am, and I want to be human today. Until next time, mon ami(e)

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