Waving At Airplanes 1

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Where I am from, It's not uncommon to see children get excited when a plane or helicopter flies by. Their reactions are different for jets.
For planes and helicopters, they might even wave at it as it flies by. Some even imagine the pilots wave back at them, even though they might never meet but that is not a concern.
For jets, it's almost purely fascination and excitement. Fascination because how is it going so fast, and excitement because it is going so fast! They might wave a couple times, but stop.  Perhaps they feel like jets move too fast to share a moment compared to other aircrafts, perhaps they lose interest, perhaps they're just not interested. Perhaps, it's not that deep.

I took a flight to visit a friend recently. It was a late flight, and I had a window seat and as we were ascending, I looked out and thought about people who wave at airplanes.
I think there is some innocence in the act. Adults also wave at airplanes that take off, although they are fully aware they will not be seen.
This is a "I am going to miss you and I already miss you. I hope you make it safe to your destination and all my well wishes go with you. I hope you don't forget me, because I won't forget you. I hope life brings you back to me", or something in those lines. But it is almost melancholic that the person or persons they went to see off will never see the act from so high up in the air, but that doesn't mean it doesn't cross their mind either.

To be fair, while I was staring out the windows, this isn't what I was thinking about, at least, not directly. Mind you, this is not my first time taking a flight but for whatever reason, I thought about it this time.
"We really waved at planes passing by, but from here, I can barely see anything", was my first thought. Then I thought of something else, but it will be discussed in another chapter.

Those little, arguably childish and unnecessary, but innocent moments stem from love and this innate desire we have to wish people well.

All this said, I wish you well, and I wish you get to your destination. Maybe no one saw you off, but I see your plane from here, and I am waving at it, and I am not the only one. Other people see it, and some of them are waving too. Have a safe trip, wherever it is you're headed.

  Have a safe trip, wherever it is you're headed

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Till next time, mon ami(e)

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