Hey You

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Hey you!
I'm sorry I don't call or text often, and I'm sorry my low maintenance habits seem to slip into other things.

I am going through a lot but my pride and habits will never let me ask for help. I may even resent you for not telepathically knowing that I am not okay, but if you asked I would probably never admit it.

I'm not asking that you fix anything, hell, I don't want you to. I just need a hug and to know I'm not alone, and that everything will be okay. God forbid I make you carry my cross, I couldn't live with myself if I did.
I appreciate that you text me even though I sometimes forget to respond, or I don't even know how to respond.
I do enjoy my solitude, but please knock at my door to make sure I'm alive, I need you to remind me that I am too, if not I will get even more lost than I am.

I hate myself for being demanding, and I hate that you hate that I think I am a burden to you because I will probably never know how deeply you care for me. But I can feel your love for me. I will never be able to communicate it properly, but I appreciate you and it's unfair that words don't do you justice.
That's all I can get myself to say at this time. Don't think too hard about it though, I will be okay, yeah?

Later alligator ~


It's been a minute. How have you been? I know we exchange memes and all, but I wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you.
I hope you are okay, and if you're not, you're always welcome here and I hope things get better.
Every time I check on you, you always tell me you're okay. If Earth can have seasons, we are not exceptions. So don't play tough with me mkay???
Jokes aside, I have had a couple tough times myself lately, but nothing I couldn't thug out.
Tried something new, failed miserably but at least I tried! Might do it again, and if you're available, we can do it together.

You haven't mentioned it but I've been around you long enough to know you have a lot going on, and while you need/want some space, please don't forget that people out here care about you, yeah?
You do a lot for me, please allow me to help where I can and even if I can't, at least let me listen.
Maybe I am thinking too hard about it, maybe I'm not. I dunno.

We should get food this weekend. My treat. Text me when you're home!
Luv yaaaaa!

Tis 2:11am. I had a great day, now I'm off to bed.
Until next time, mon ami(e)

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