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Me and Sage walked inside before Addison and Bryce. I watched as she walked straight to our room, grabbing her clothes. I needed to actually talk to her.

"Sage?" I said grabbing the sleeve of the hoodie when she was about to walk in the bathroom, but revealing bandages around her wrist as she quickly pulled her arm back.

"Sage.. please tell me you didn't?" I looked at her concerned "I didn't." She said which was clearly a lie. I grabbed the hoodie sleeve pulling it up "Jaden, let go."

"Not until you explain this!" He said referring to the cuts on my wrist. "Do I really need to..?" I asked "Now." I said sternly. "After we got in that fight, i got upset and I guess I ket me thoughts take over." She said as I examined her eyes.

"Sage, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.. I should've never and I mean never said those things and I'm really sorry. I just didn't want to see you hurt, but then I hurt you." I said putting my head into my hands.

"Jae.." Sage said sitting down next to me "Jae, this was my fault.. I should've just listened about the whiteclaws I should've never drink one or even bought them. If I didn't do that we wouldn't be here right now." I told him

"I'm sorry, Sage" I said looking in her eyes "I'm sorry too, Jaden." She glanced at my eyes then my lips. And then I grabbed her face, then smashed my lips on hers. She put her hands in my hair running her fingers through my hair.


We stopped kissing and then said "Come in". "Uh, why are you guys so out of breathe?" Bryce asked "Actually I don't want to know." Bryce said "I just wante- wait, Sage, what happened to your wrist!?" Bryce asked grabbing her arm.

"Again..?" Bryce asked "Your cutting again!?" He asked. Sage glanced at Jaden and then at Bryce "No."
"Liar, that shit doesn't just randomly happen! Sage, what the hell!? Your seriously gonna put me through this, again!?" Bryce was loosing his shit and what did he mean by again...

Bryce kept ranting and he was shouting. I looked at Sage and realized she was scared, she kept backing up. I realized her chest was rising and falling a lot more than it is supposed to.

"Bryce, stop your scaring her!" I said but he didn't hear me or just ignored me. That's when Bryce got really close to her . "Please, don't hit me!" She cried that's when Bryce backed away.

"I wasn-" Bryce said realizing that she was terrified, she thought it was her father. "Sage, im-" he tried to hug her and apologize but she ran into my arms.

She just cried into my chest and I rubbed her back "I wasn't going to hit you, Sage. I would never do that.." Bryce said as tears swelled in his eyes but she wouldn't say anything as Bryce walked out.

I sat down and put Sage on my lap and her legs wrapped around my torso as she put her head into my neck. I put my hand on her back inside the hoodie and rubbed her back.

I noticed she was about to fall asleep "Baby, you can't sleep in that." I said "Could you please just change me?" She asked "Sage, I don't know.." I said unsure "Please.." she whined.

"Fine.." I said giving in I took off Bryces slightly wet hoodie and put my hoodie on her, and untied the back of her bikini I then slipped off her shorts. And that's when I decided to get addison "Addison!" I quietly shouted. I heard footsteps then Addison approached in the doorway. "Yeah?"

"Sage, wanted me to change her clothes cause she didn't want to. I put my hoodie on her and then just took of the bikini top but I wouldn't want to be like a, I guess a creep! If I took off her bottoms." I explained

"So could you please put on her underwear and pants?" I asked "Yeah, you could've just said that Jaden." Addison said "Ok, imma go check on Bryce." I said.

I walked down the hall and found Bryce looking at the floor sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. "You okay, Bryce..?" I asked "No. I'm the worst brother..I made my little sister, my little sister think I was gonna hit her and she probably had some flash backs when our dad tr-" He said but stopped cause he didn't know I knew that.

"Tried to kill her.." I said quietly "How'd you know..?" He asked "She told me a few days before the flight here.."

"Your not a bad brother, Bryce. You were just worried and frustrated and took it out on her. And the cuts weren't your fault. It was mine.." I said

"Yours..?" He asked "Yeah, I said really hurtful things I shouldn't because she was hungover after I told her it was a horrible idea. So when I said those it was when we were all walking to go scuba diving and instead of going after her my dumbass just kept walking.." I explained

"Oh, did she forgive you?" He asked "yeah, even though she shouldn't of had.. but we made up right before you came in the room."

"More like made out" Bryce joked. "Haha, nope just made up" obviously it was a lie but he wasn't going to know that.

"Where is Addison?" Bryce asked "Changing Sage" I said "Changing her?" Bryce asked "Sage, didn't want to get up and change and she fell asleep on my lap but i told her she needed to change and she then begged me to change her. I put my hoodie on her since your hoodie was slightly wet and then took off her bikini top. And I just didn't want to be a creep if I changed the bottoms since I couldn't really" I said

"Okay, that's enough information before you go any further. Remember she is my sister!" Bryce said making us chuckle. "But seriously!" He then said extremely seriously.

"Well good night, Bryce" I said "Night, and Jaden?" Bryce said "Mhm, wassup?" I asked "Treat her well, this time. Also thanks for the talk."

"I will," I said with a smile "anytime" I added. I knocked on the door and Addison opened the door "night Jaden" "night.."

I walked in and seen her clothes in a pile so I grabbed some sweats and boxers and got changed in the bathroom. I picked up all the wet bathing suits and the clothes and put them in this basket.

I got under the covers in bed and laid on my back, as soon as I closed my eyes Sage put her leg over one of my legs and under the other. Then she put her face on my chest with a arm around me. I thin slithered my arms under her, putting my hands on her back inside the hoodie.

I slowly drifted off to sleep, I was such a lucky guy.

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