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The girls went shopping all day so me and all the guys planned a bonfire for tonight. So we did that basically all day then we went home and just relaxed.

When finally Sage and Addison were back. "Sage" I said taking the bags out of her hand and Bryce helped Addison with her bags too.

I put the bags on the bed and then I looked at Sage, our eyes sticking to each other like they were glued. I walked over to her and looked at her lips and back at her eyes. I moved a piece of hair behind her ear and then we kissed. "Your so pretty!" I told her as I looked at her eyes. "really!?" She asked with that smile that always seems to be the one that could melt my heart every-time I see it. "Yes. Really!" I said

"You know, Jaden, I love you, right?" She said as I chuckled "I love you too, Sage" all of a sudden the door flys open "does no one know how to knock!?"

"Door stays open!!" Bryce sung "What if I was naked and you just flung open the door?" I asked "Uh, well you shouldn't be!" "Why not!?" I asked "Because there is a guy in here!" Bryce said "Well, what if it didn't matter, if he's seen me naked or not." I said "Wait, wait. What!"

"Yall are dating!?" He asked looking at the two of us as me and Sage looked at each other "yeah, we are!" I said. Bryce faked gagged. "Oh, Brucey Balls.."  sage said

"Stop calling me thattt!!!" Bryce whined "B R U C E Y... B A L L S!!!!" Sage said "Also know the door must always and i mean ALWAYS stay open, hear me, OPENED??" Bryce said looking at Jaden then to me.

"I'll think about it" Sage said getting up closing the door behind him "Saggy balls!" Bryce yelled "Asshole!" I said annoyed.

I locked the door behind him. Then kept my back to the door but faced towards Jaden "So, Saggy balls, start getting ready." I said "Jaee, don't call me that!!" Sage said

"Imma go shower.." Sage said "Keep the door unlocked so if I have to pee!" I told her "Will do!" Sage said as she grabbed a dress I just didn't see it and she grabbed a thong from the drawer.

Me, Bryce and Addison were all ready to go, so we were all standing by the door as patient as possible. "Sage, come on, we gotta go!!" Bryce yelled "Coming!" Sage said as I seen her walk out of the room putting her shoes on..

"My gorgeous sister in law!" Addison said as Sage flushed red "Thank you, Addison. You look amazing!" Sage smiled "What about me, is my hair nice and pretty, oh and what about my dress!?" Bryce asked mocking them and grabbing his shorts pretending it was like a skirt. Making all of us laugh.

"Your dress, so pretty!" Sage said making everyone laugh more. Addison and Bryce walked out the door together as I admired Sage "ah, look at my gorgeous girl" I said looking at her eyes. I watched Sage's face flush red and a smile approaching her face.

She then said "My lovely boy". She then looked into my eyes as I grabbed her face and smashed my lips on her, after we kissed we rested our foreheads together.

"I love you" Sage said "I love you too" I said. We pecked our lips together one more time and then closed the door and caught up with Addison and Bryce(we we're pretty late!). We intertwined our hands together and followed behind Addison and Bryce.

We finally got to the bonfire after awhile. We all walked around there were more people than we thought I guess some random people decided to tag along.

It was a-shame today was our last day here, we all sat by the campfire as I watched Sage just stare into the flames of the fire when all of a sudden she sates "I'm gonna go surfing!"

"How, you didn't wear a bathing suit?" I asked she then pulled up her skirt revealing her bathing suit bottoms. "Oh, maybe you did."

I watched as she stripped down to her bathing suit,
and grabbed her board and ran off into the water.


I watched as everyone else left, including Jaden. I didn't mind though. It probably wasn't even that late.

I surfed for a few hours until I thought it was getting really late. I grabbed my surfboard and put on my dress, then started walking back to the Bungalow.

When I heard a voice "Hey, love" I turned around to see..

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