Chapter 8 : The Drunk Mistake

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Chapter 8 : The Drunk Mistake

Amani's POV

I asked Liam to get a bottle of wine from the winery and he looked at me with a confused look but he disappeared and came back with a wine bottle.
He wondered why I wanted to drink all of a sudden but I didn't say anything.
I grabbed two wine glasses from the cupboard and poured both of us a glass.

He folded his hands and eyed me as I finished my glass.
He shook his head and finally took a sip.
I had finished three glasses when Liam warned me not to drink anymore and he cleared our dishes.
He put them in the sink and proceeded to wash them.

I bit my lip in nervousness and thought of giving up on my plan but I didn't.
He was almost done with the dishes when I hugged him from behind.
He stood still and I could feel his heart beat fast.
I inhaled his scent and it calmed my nerves.
"What are you doing Amani?"
He said and he turned to face me.
"Your back felt lonely", I said a bit tipsy.
"You're drunk, you should go upstairs and rest", he said pushing me away.
I looked at him and narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're a jerk", I said and pointed at him.
"What do you mean?"
He asked confusingly.
"You always act like you care about me but you're just doing this because you want to get paid."
"I agree I'm your boss' fiancé but tell me Liam."

"You never once found me attractive?"
"Even after living with me all this time?"
"Anytime I try to be friendly, you always push me away.
"Do you hate me that much?"
I said while pouting and his face softened.
"Look Amani, you're drunk and you don't know what you're saying."
"We'll talk tomorrow, now go", He said and walked past me.

I followed him and grabbed his hand.
He turned to look at me then I tiptoed and kissed him on the lips.
His eyes widened and I thought he would push me away but he didn't.
Instead he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer and deepened the kiss.

It was a passionate kiss and it was almost like I could feel his emotions.
It was a mix of love and care and it felt like he had been waiting to kiss me for a very long time.
I pulled away to catch my breathe and I saw that his eyes had darkened and he was breathing heavily.

I tried to touch him but he stopped me and went upstairs in a flash and I heard his room door close.
I was all alone, with swollen lips, wondering if I had done something to upset him.
I waited to see if he would come back down but he never did.
I angrily went to the kitchen and downed the leftover bottle of wine.
After a while, I felt sleepy and ended up falling asleep on the counter.

I moved in my sleep and felt myself being carried by a pair of muscular arms.
I was too tired to open my eyes, instead I snuggled into the person's chest and went back to sleep.

Morning came and I woke up with a slight hangover headache.
I yawned and went to brush my teeth.
I started to brush my teeth and memories from last night flooded my head.
I screamed when I realised I wasn't dreaming and I had in fact kissed Liam.

I tried to remember what happened and I remembered being carried to my room.
I face palmed myself in shame and went to shower, dreading the thought of meeting Liam that morning.
It was a Sunday so I didn't have work to do, but I was to go shopping for groceries with Liam in the evening.

I decided to stay in my room throughout the day and not go down to meet him.
Later that afternoon, he knocked on my door and I knew I couldn't avoid him forever.
I opened the door and saw him dressed in a white bathrobe and his hair was wet.

I blushed and tried not to look him in the eye.
"Hey, you didn't come down for breakfast, so I wondered if you were okay."
"You drank quite a lot yesterday so I was worried you'd have a hangover."
"I made you breakfast and a cup of coffee, so make sure to have it while it's still hot", he said and I nodded and closed the door.
I layed my head on my door and pondered if should go down or stay indoors.

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