Chapter 9 : The Castle

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Chapter 9 : The Castle

Amani's POV

I didn't realise that I was all over Liam and his parents saw us.
I felt embarrassed and I was in my PJs, but Liam's parents were very nice.
His sister Sapphire was also fun, she reminded me of Jade.
Speaking of Jade, I knew Cole wouldn't let her speak to me again. She was trapped in his kingdom with her parents and mine.

I had to do something soon, but it could only be possible if Liam and I had our powers.
But we had his parents with us, so I wondered if they could be of assistance to us.
Sapphire borrowed me a black antique dress that looked very 'princessy'.
It was a bit tight but I had to manage since Liam and I didn't come with anything, not even our phones.
It wasn't a big deal because this place was kinda ancient and I was sure I wouldn't get any signal.
I sat at the dining room with Liam beside me and his parents facing us.
This castle was really big, and the dining room alone was the size of my parents' house.

Maids came in through the door with lots of foods on trays and I almost drooled.
We were going to tell them all that happened after dinner, when Liam tried to tell them my stomach growled loudly and I felt embarrassed but they all laughed it off.
Liam sensed that I was a bit worried and he put his hand on mine and smiled at me and I smiled back.
"Let's eat", Liam's dad said and I thanked them before eating

I stuffed myself with enough food and when I realised that there was no more space in my stomach, I stopped.
Liam was full too, so he stopped, but his parents and sister kept on eating.
I was starting to get worried when I saw that they hadn't stopped eating after a while.

"Is this normal?"
I whispered to Liam but his sister replied me instead.
"Don't worry sis, we vampires have a very large appetite so we eat more than humans, and did you really think you could whisper in the midst of vampires?"

Right. Vampires had very great hearing and I was sure they all heard me.
I smiled in embarrassment and Liam softly laughed at me.
He patted my head and told me to mind his sister's teasing.
Finally they finished eating and desert was served.
After the plates were cleared, Liam cleared his throat and started to explain everything that had happened, right from the time he met Cole outside the hospital.

He also mentioned that he had met Cole when they were kids, and how Cole's eyes glowed when they were in danger.
There was no denying that he was Jade's mate, because her eyes glowed too.

I also told them about how Cole appeared after Jade's accident and pretended he was my mate.
I told them he blackmailed me and tried to use my parent's offense to bargain with me.
I told them that my parents were good people and they would never hurt anyone willing.

They promised that they would help in any way they could to save my parents.
"Son, you do know that you cannot invade the land of Trodek until you turn right?"
Liam's father asked and Liam nodded.
"How long until you turn 25 Amani?" Sapphire asked.
"Uhh, I think about 3 months", I said.
"Okay, and Liam will be 26 too, so you both shouldn't worry for now", His mother said.
"He's surely gonna use your parents as bait against us."
"He knows that you're both going to turn soon, so he won't do anything until then."

"For now, we should try to communicate with them, if possible."
"We can make use of a messenger bird, it can be a source of communication for us."
"But we must not let it get caught", Liam's father said and I finally felt a ray of hope.

"Can, can we actually do that?",
I asked enthusiastically.
"Why, yes."
"How do you think we communicated over here?"
Liam's mother teased and I smiled.
"Thank you my King."
"Thank you so much my Queen."
"For agreeing to help my family and I", I said and bowed at them.
"Oh come on child, your parents were our subjects and we would do it over and over again."

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