No one picked up Sagar .

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Pov: Shubman's thoughts regarding Ishan ,one particular stormy night

Ishan was happiness, his happiness.
A singular smile from him could light up the whole room brighter than ever before. His laughter brought Shubman more joy than watching his favourite show Tom and Jerry.

Ishan was love , his love .
He loved Ishan more than anything , more than himself .
Shubman just wished he could stay cuddled up forever in Ishan's arms or have Ishan cuddled up in his .

Ishan was hot , he was very hot .
A single smirk or suggestive gesture of his had the ability to turn on Shubman faster then you could turn on the lights ,wishing to have Ishan pinned under him on the bed , moaning mess .

Ishan was life , his life . Without Ishan what was the point of life ? Nothing. Shubman without Ishan would be like the sun without its light . The point of his life would be as meaningless as celebrating karva chauth without the moon .

Ishan was sweet , sweet like rasmalai . He made Shubman's life sweeter and more enjoyable to live in . He gave Shubman something to look forward each day .

Ishan was refreshing, as refreshing as a glass of lassi after a hot day on the field. Everyday with him was something new , something unique .

Ishan was spirit , the spirit of the team . He was the force of energy , the Chhota packet bada dhamaka that made everyone smile and laugh .

Ishan was glue , the glue that held the team together. His doe eyes could resolve any conflicts between the team .

Ishan was husband material , he would take care of Shubhi as if the younger was a part of his own soul . Waking up by his side was a pleasure each day for Shubman. Shubman was glad to have married such a man .

Ishan was a father, the best father to his and Shubman's little prince. Not once did Sagar feel like an outsider, not once did he feel alone or lonely. He was glad that even if he was adopted,his dad's chose him  .

Ishan was the best , the bestest best bestie a person could have . Never once would you feel as if he didn't value your friendship, or as if he was just being your friend for show .

Ishan was a party , a literal walking celebration. His energy, his enthusiasm could make anyone dance to his tunes . Even the people who hated dancing couldn't deny his invitation to dance on his weird bhojpuri songs .

Ishan was a rainbow. A literal walking pride flag .He was an inspiration to everyone , every single person of the LGTBQ+ community . He give them hope that their family would too one day accept them , that they too could live happy lives with the ones they loved . He inspired them to be proud of themselves, proud regardless of what traditional society thought was normal . Because of him and multiple others like him society had started to change .

Ishan was dead . His car had crashed when he was going to pick up Sagar from school .The car laid overturned at the side of the road ,half smashed into a tree. The other car that caused this disaster didn't even bother to look back at the damage it has caused. No one knew what had happened to Ishan , no one knew of his crash until 3 hours later Shubman returned home from a meeting only to find his husband missing. Ishan spent his last few moments in pain and loneliness and guilt , because his son would still be waiting at school, anxious why his father had not come .

No one picked up Sagar from school that day .



I'm sorry 😞

✨Chaos✨- Ishman OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz