Villains and Heroes -2

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Shubman observed the building of THE ROY BANK from its neighbouring building with an hawks gaze .

He estimated and analysed the number of guards , the amount of cash kept in it , the number of innocent people working and other information provided to him by an inside source .

You must be wondering why was he analysing all this ?
Well this is because he planned to commit something not really on the right side of the law , that's right folks Vinaash was going  blow   the bank up until it was jist ashes and dust .

But why? What had the bank done to incur the wrath of a villain?
The answer is simple , THE ROY BANK was owned by a corrupted business man , it was a place where all the rich and corrupted of the city  stored their illegal money that they extorted from the poor. The bank using shady methods showed their black money as legal and helped them hide from the law .

Amongst private circles THE ROY BANK was also known as the black money hub of Bombay , but not for long .

Shubman smirked and put on his mask before running and jumping off the building, but before he could reach the ground he disappeared in a blast of purple energy .

Teleporting directly inside the bank hall , he smirked .

" I shall give you all 5 minutes to leave before I destroy this place " he told the employees and staff who were frightened by the city's most feared villain's sudden appearance in the middle of the hall .

For a moment there was silence , then there was chaos .People ran outside screaming whilst pushing and shoving each other , each desperate to get out and get away from danger . All whilst Shubman leaned casually against the wall ,arms folded with a smirk on his face as he watched the chaos unfold .

When everyone innocent left , he got to work whistling an eerie tune as he rigged the bombs into place, bombs that would set of with just a single spark of his purple energy.

There were 5 different parts of the bank and 5 different bombs in each part .

With immense satisfaction he blew up four parts of the bank  . He couldn't help but let loose a laughter that if anyone passing by heard ,they would most definitely think he was a maniac. But who really cared about what people thought, they all perceived him to be a villain anyway .

He was going to blow up the the fifth and final part , the bank safe when someone intervened.

A few minutes back :

Ishan was enjoying his day , he ate icecream, wandered around the city having a fun time sightseeing, helped a few kids with their homework and collected some information on the villain's of the city .

Apparently the most feared one according to the president of The Navi Mumbai Heroes Association was a dude with the name Vinaash .

He still had his hero outfit with a mask on because he had just stopped a minor robbery, he decided he would start getting involved in big missions from tomorrow. Today he decided to chill a little.

He should have known his 'chill session ' would have never lasted long .

His holiday took a backseat and his hero obligations took control when he saw the blasts .

He was just a few blocks from the bank when he saw the blasts . Four blasts taking place one after the other with just a few minutes gap between them .
He saw a purple radiation emitting from the building.

Hmm purple radiation..., from the things he had heard , purple energy and radiation could only mean one thing .

Vinaash had come out to cause chaos.

✨Chaos✨- Ishman OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now