Dear Shubhi .

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Dear Shubhi,

How are you ? You never reply to my letters these days .
Did you already find a new best friend just after shifting two weeks ago ?

If you did I shall hate you forever for it. 

Just kidding, I could never hate you .

Reply back soon .
Love , Ishan


Dear Shubhi,

Have you truly forgotten about me ? It's been a month and you haven't replied.

Is everything ok ? Did something happen ?
Are you fine ?

Cause without you I am not .
You are my bestfriend Shubman , I cannot live without you .

Please reply.

Love , Ishan


Dear Shubhi,

I must have done something wrong , something unforgiving because it has been a year and you have still not replied.

Maybe you have forgotten about me , or maybe you are glad to be rid of me and don't want to talk to me  or maybe I am sending this at the wrong address .

The possibilities are endless.

Regardless like the desperate hopeful  fool I am ,I shall continue to write to you letters like these in hopes that someday , someday you shall reply .

Love , Ishan .


Dear Shubhi,

Three years, three years since we graduated twelveth , three years since we last talked , three years since we last  saw each other. Yet every memory of ours I can still vision as clear as a crystal in my mind .

Today I saw you on T.V , I am so proud of you . My shubhi has become a big shot cricketer .


But maybe this big cricketer has no time for a small town boy .

No worries tho , I have faith in you ; someday you will remember me , remember atleast a gist of me .

You acknowledging that I exist ,itself is enough for me at this point . Your silence hurts , hurts me more then the slurs I hear in college .

Slurs ?
You must be confused right ? Well these days there is a new trend called " Beat and Bully Ishan up " in college .

This trend started when I came out to my parents and they kicked me out , then my whole college got to know I was gay because my neighbours kid who goes to the same college couldn't keep my mouth shut .

I hope you are not homophobic like then Shubi , my shubhi would not be so cruel so mean .

Or would you ?

Now that you know my truth , are you disgusted as well   ?
Would you to take part in this trend ?

I don't think you would , you would na?

Anyways, wishing you all the best for your next match

Love , Ishan.


Dear , Shubhi

I am delusional. I keep hoping you will come like my knight in shining armour to rescue me from this hellish reality that I live in .

Did you know I was and still am in love with you but never had the guts to confess .

Well if you didn't now I am , I m confessing in this letter solely because I know you shall never read it .

Shubman I love you , I love you like the moon loves the sun despite living in its shadow , I love you like how the second lead loves the main character despite knowing that the love shall never be returned .I love you despite knowing that you are destined to be someone else's . I love you despite knowing that you will never love me back .

Love , Ishan .


Dear Shubhi,

This is my last annoying letter to you I promise , after this I won't write anymore .

The bullying is getting to much here , their beatings are getting much worse. I m shunned from society and except my friend Tilak no one even looks at me . My family has disowned me and won't even talk to me .
You won't even talk to me .Even the depression meds don't work anymore.

It's getting hard , hard to breathe . I feel suffocated like I am drowning under water .

I guess what I m trying to say is that -

Goodbye .

Love , Ishan.

Ps: one last time -I love you .


Dear readers ,

Don't kill me

Love , author

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