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Summary: What happens when Merlin disappears for what amount of time. How it will affect Arthur and the rest of the Knights of the Round Table. Uther is still king and improves his opinions thanks to his conversation with Merlin.


◈ Nobody POV ◈

Many people may think that Camelot is a peaceful kingdom with harmony is to be King, Prince and devoted Knights. 

You think that it is only because of the Knights of the Round Table that King Uther has changed his opinions and views.

I'm sorry to say that you would be very wrong because what holds the kingdom together and is the reason for Uther's change in behavior is a servant.

To be exact, it is Arthur's personal servant who has pushed his way into the hearts of all the people living in Camelot for the last 5 years. His name is Merlin. 

Those who know him know that the Prince does not know how to function without him and they are always close to each other no matter what the situation.

However, what would happen if Merlin suddenly disappeared and no one knew where he was.

◈ Uther POV ◈

When I made Merlin a personal servant Arthur did not know at first what effect it would have.

At first I thought I made a mistake because Arthur complained all the time, but it was mostly my fault.

Instead of giving him love I was too harsh on him and I spoiled him too much too. He was ungrateful and used his title to gain his way. 

However, I noticed slowly that Arthur was changing and for the better and I didn't know at first for what. I discovered this by accident when I heard Merlin challenging him for fun.

I wanted to interject and punish him for this behavior but was stopped by Arthur's honest healthy laughter which I hadn't heard since he was a child. I started watching them from afar and saw that it was Merlin's affair in Arthur's transformation. 

He became more caring, wiser, responsible, hardworking and calmer. I noticed that Arthur stopped seeking praise for winning tournaments or other competitions.

Arthur was now heading towards Merlin for them and as he received them I could see that it was having a big positive effect on him. I could feel his happiness even though I was standing far away from him.  

The longer I looked at their relationship the more jealous I became of it. 

I am not blind I can see well that this young boy dug into everyone's heart with his good character and helping hand.

I didn't understand how one man could be so happy, helpful and honest until I started talking to him to see what Arthur sees in him and why he values him so much. 

Before our conversations, I wanted to separate them before I noticed that Merlin's presence was affecting Arthur's behavior. When they get into arguments or Merlin is angry with him because he did something stupid Arthur is grumpy, angry and rarely speaks.

When he can't find Merlin I can honestly say that Arthur turns Camelot upside down to find him and he won't stop looking for him until he finds him.

Arhur has a short temper and barely listens, he spends hours over maps and although he tries to hide it he is very worried. It's also easy to tell when Merlin has praised him or reconciled after an argument because Arthur is happy, talkative and practically beaming with joy.

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