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Summary: While gathering herbs for Gaius, Merlin made a new friend. How will Arhur react to this.


Merlin POV ◈

It's been two days since I set out to gather herbs. I picked up a bag of herbs for Gaius and for the novelty I am alone. 

I managed to leave the castle without starting others and it was yo quite easy. Normally Arthur would have gone with me or one knight from the round table.

However, I left in the morning and they have meetings and training all day so George is replacing me. I looked at the list of herbs and saw that I was still missing two of them.

I know that these herbs are located not a full day away. I threw my backpack on my back and started on my way. I traveled on foot because it was safer and it would be easier for me to hide if someone was approaching.

It's easy for me to catch a hare or a turtledove thanks to my magic. Yesterday I caught a hare so I don't have to worry about food. I started humming to myself under my breath as I walked through the forest when I heard a stream or river.

I decided to walk over there and fill my bidon and refresh myself. When I got there I saw that the river led to a not large lake.

I decided to set up camp near the water when I saw a hare not far away so I quickly killed it to roast it for tomorrow. When I started the fire it started to get dark while the rabbit was roasting on the fire I ate from yesterday's catch and prepared a place to sleep.

I looked at the stars and added trees to the fire. I knew I was a day maybe two away from Camelot. I have to find the herbs tomorrow and get back before Arthur sends a search party after me because he'll think I'm in trouble. Gaius probably told him I'd be gone by a week, but knowing him he'll worry about me anyway.

Since Arthur became King he started worrying about me more. When he found out what happened when he was a prince he promised me that he would not let something similar happen.

This is how Arthur knows about my magic and immediately accepted me as I am. He had a lot of questions about magic and why I practice it. This caused me to tell him everything since I started working for him and protecting him.

This appealed to the pulling down of the ban on magic I was appointed Court Warlock although I still woo Arthur. We eat breakfast and dinner together every day since we don't see each other during the day.

Sometimes I'm with him on Councils but more often during that time I help young Druids with magic, comb medicine, train spells or just laze around.

I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes when I suddenly heard a growl behind me. I didn't react quickly knowing that it might prompt the animal to attack. I slowly turned toward the sound, trying not to make any excess movements.

A wolf emerged from behind the trees but I noticed that it was limping on one charge and looked hungry. I split the meat in half and threw a piece toward the wolf. He slowly shuffled over to the meat and started eating 

" Hey there " I said and approached him cautiously.

He growl at me and positioned himself as if to attack so I took a step back and grabbed the other part of the meat. I threw it to him 

" I just want to see what is wrong " I said softly and took a step forward.

The wolf did not reacted aggressively just watched what I was doing. I slowly extended my open hand toward his paw. What surprised me was that he let me take it into my hand without any problem.

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