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Summary: Arthur does not like to share Merlin. He wants his full attention at all times. He doesn't like where anyone talks to him because it means a lack of attention for him. Arhur is the King. He and the Knights of the Round Table know about Merlin magic


◈ Arthur POV ◈

I sat in my chamber and took care of the documents for the next council meeting which will take place next week. I like to review the documents a few days before and the day before the meeting to make sure I don't have any errors. 

That way none of the Lords twist my words to their advantage. I knew I had to make some changes for the good of the kingdom, and I don't know how most in favor would react to that. 

I know I will have the support of Gaius, the Knights of the Round Table, Morgan and of course Merlin. 

My sweet Merlin who opened my eyes to the bad and cruel actions of my Father. Had it not been for him I would have continued to follow Uther blindly and become a bum copy of him and not myself.

The discovery that he had magic was a pure shock to me and others. We saw that something was wrong with him for a few days and decided to follow him. It turned out that he had been protecting Camelot and me since he set foot here. 

When we saw him doing magic I felt anger, pain and betrayal, but it all passed quickly when I saw the terror in his eyes. I saw that he was getting ready to run away so I quickly grabbed him in a hug and didn't let him escape. 

He struggled in my arms trying to break free and I knew he could break free using magic but he didn't want to hurt me. I whispered sweet words to him trying to calm him down and after a longer moment he stopped wiggling and leaned on me.

I changed my grip and picked him up bride style and sent him to my chamber still whispering to him. When we returned I sat with him on my knee and did not let him go, fearing that if I did I would never see him again. 

Not long after that we started asking questions quietly and gave him time to answer in his own time without interrupting him. I couldn't believe what he went through to keep me safe and what he sacrificed for me. 

The whole time as he spoke without letting him out of my arms as if something was holding him closer to me. Merlin my idiotic servant who risked his life for me every day. The thought of losing him awakened something in me and I knew I had to defend him at all costs.

The thought that Merlin did all this for me made me love him more and more. Yes I Arthur Pendragon love my servant, My Warlock, My Defender Merlin and no one will take him away from me. 

was a little jealous that Lancelot knew before me about Merlin magic but I was glad that he had more than Gaius to help. However, I couldn't stop thinking that Merlin was mine and mine alone and no one would take him from me.

Thanks to the fact that we know his secret, Merlin can be himself next to us without fearing that we will hate him. I spend more time with Merlin watching him practice magic or showing me new tricks he has learned. 

We spend at least two hours a day talking about magic. I don't want him to continue living in fear for this ban on magic will be pulled and Merlin will become a Court Warlock. 

One thing I noticed was that I don't like it when Merlin smiles at others who are not me. I don't feel that with the round table because I know they consider him a brother and Gwaine is with Persivale, Lancelot is with Gwen. 

Leon and Elyan are straight and Mordred sees Merlin as a mentor or more like older brother. I know because he told me himself when I asked who his figure to follow was. As Mordred described why he sees Merlin this way I couldn't be more proud of Merlin.

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