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Summary : Merlin was injured while stopping another night attack on Arthur. He doesn't want to worry anyone about it so he sits quietly. 

While training with the knights, the stitches let go and the knights of the round table find out about Merlin's night job. Arthur is the king and he know about Merlin magic with knights of the round.


◈ Merlin POV 

I woke up with the sun in my eyes and knew it was time to get up. I'm exhausted because I slept for about three maybe four hours. 

I rose slowly from the bed and grabbed my side right away. I lifted my shirt and looked at the wound inflicted by the three sorcerers who decided to show up in Camelot to attack Arthur.

Why won't they accept that Arthur is not Uther. Why should Arthur pay for Uther's sins. This is the third attack on his life and it's only Wednesday. 

They are destroying my efforts to show Arthur that magic can be good but luckily I am getting better at it. I slowly changed and dressed in my new clothes trying not to hurt my wound.

Gaius stitched me up well but I have to be careful. I know that if Arthur asks me why I'm tired I'll tell him that I've been collecting rare herbs for Gaius and Gaius has to confirm this if anyone were to ask him. I ate quickly and went to Arhur's chamber with his breakfast. To my misfortune I ran into Mordred 

'' Is everything all right Merlin '' he asked seeing my discomfort 

'' I slept little because I collected herbs for Gaius most of the night. They are very rare and can only be found at night '' I said calmly 

'' At night there was another attempt on Arthur's life '' I said telepathically. Mordred nodded 

'' You're lucky Arthur won't make you train with us. He finally accepted that you are not only working for him but also for Gaius '' he said and I nodded 

'' I have to go wake him up '' I said and we parted our ways.

When I entered his chamber I quickly cleaned up using magic and put breakfast on his desk. I walked over to the curtains and opened them 

'' Rise and Shine '' I said and Arthur only groaned. Arthur hid his head under the pillow 

'' Merlin '' he said 

''Time to get up Sir '' I said calmly  and that caught Arthur's attention.

I only call him Sir, Your Majesty, My King and My Lord when I am angry, upset or tired so he knew there was something wrong with me. He got out of bed and approached me 

'' Is everything okay Merlin ? '' he asked a little concerned

 '' All good just tired. I slept little because I collected herbs for Gaius most of the night. They are very rare and can only be found at night '' I told him the same as Mordred. 

He nodded his head and started eating and I made his bed. While helping him get dressed for training he told me my tasks for today 

'' For today you are only to sharpen and polish my swords. You will do this on the training field because I want to keep an eye on you. I don't want you to faint from fatigue and lie there until I or  someone there finds you '' he said and I nodded. 

When I finished helping him we went to the training ground but first we took the swords I had to polish.

I sat down not far from the ground with the swords and got to work. I started first sharpening all of them and then polishing them. I didn't rush it because I know the training will take about three hours and I only have five swords to do. 

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