Who hurt you

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Summary: During the night of their hunting trip, the Knights spoke of their scars. This led them to discover that Merlin has more secrets than they thought


◈ Merlin POV 

I still don't know why Arthur is dragging me on these hunting expeditions. I know that Lancelot, Elyan know how to cook. I am tired last night I stopped three assassins who somehow got into the castle. 

One of them hit me in the side and it's hard for me to move, my uncle's creams do wonders. 

Only Lancelot and Mordred know about it but because of the fact that Mordred had to stay in Camelot, Lancelot sticks close to me and doesn't let me out of his sight. 

 I sat next to Lancelot while Gawein tells another of his tales from the tavern. I corrected myself in my seat as I again paid attention to what they were talking about 

'' This wound scar I have after the owner of one tavern wanted me to pay and this one I have after another owner sent his dog at me '' showing the bite scar on his leg

 '' It's nothing see this '' said Arthur showing the scar from the Questing Beast. 

I rubbed the scar from the fireball that Nimueh threw at me. They do not know that compared to me their wounds are nothing, I have wounds from swords, daggers, whip, axe, arrows, I have been tortured, beaten and they know nothing. I save their lives at least 4 times a week without any credit or thanks. 

 '' Merlin! Merlin! '' a voice awoke me from my thoughts

 '' Hm '' I replied 

'' Are you all right Merlin? '' asked Lance 

'' Yes, I lost myself in my thoughts '' I said before I hissed in pain 

'' Merlin? '' asked Arthur 

'' It's nothing '' I said through my teeth 

'' Merlin does this side hurt you? '' asked Lancelot 

'' It's nothing '' I said 

'' It's nothing Merlin you have a bruise on half of your side and you tell me it's nothing '' said Lance 

'' Merlin what is Lancelot talking about? '' asked Gawein 

'' Can you all change the subject? '' I said 

'' Show us '' said Arthur 

'' No '' I said getting up getting ready to run away 

'' Merlin '' said Leon firmly 

'' No! '' I said before throwing myself into a run into the woods 

'' Merlin!!!'' '' I heard behind me but I didn't stop. 

What do they not understand that I do not want to talk about it. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me trying to put as much distance between us as possible 

'' Merlin! '' I dodged Persival's hands and quickly turned to the side. 

They quickly forgot that I was a fast runner but they had the numbers. When I realized that I had lost them for a few seconds I welded quickly to a tree. 

I was halfway up the tree crown when I heard footsteps below me 

'' Where is he? '' asked Elyan 

'' I swear I saw him running here. Merlin! '' said Arthur before calling out to me 

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