Guardian Angel

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Summary: What if Arthur began to reflect with the Roundtable on the events of the years. What if they noticed that someone was helping them hidden in the shadows. What if they noticed Merlin's fatigue and Lancelot's worry and protectiveness of Merlin. Arthur is King and accepts magic


◈ Arthur POV ◈

I was sitting with Leon, Elyan, Perciwal, Gwaine in my chamber and we were talking about recent events.

Merlin, Lancelot and Mordred are doing something for Gaius but I don't know what. I have noticed lately how Lancelot has become more defensive for Merlin. They have a strong bond but everyone can tell it's an older brother younger brother bond. 

However, I have this feeling that Lancelot knows about Merlin what we don't know and that is the reason for his behavior.

I don't understand this I have known him the longest and should know him the best. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a non Gwaine voice

'' Don't you think it's strange what happens under these fights. Bandits stumbling over nothing and themselves releasing swords or branches themselves falling on our opponents. It is not normal as if someone is using magic '' he said 

'' When you mention it you are right. Someone is helping us all the time and I suspect Lancelot and Merlin know who. Have you noticed how they exchange glances every time we mention magic '' said Leon 

'' Every time we discover that something has happened Lancelot looks at Merlin. You can see his shoulders tense up and he calms down when Merlin smiles or nods. They both immediately go somewhere without us and when they come back you can see that Lance is calmer '' Elyan added after a moment for thought. 

The more they talked the more I remembered the little things that were going on

'' Merlin '' I said when it finally came to me. It caught others' attention

'' Since Merlin came into my life these little things and miracles started to happen. I always knew there was something about him but I never thought about it. You can't even expect it because Merlin is clumsy and an evil liar. However, let's consider that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, Merlin will always come out flawless. We can't see him when we fight he can use magic quietly without being noticed. He has protected me from the moment he became my servant '' I said puzzled

 '' What do you mean Arthur? '' asked Persival

'' We know that Father was a cruel and evil King. We know that he made a lot of enemies and any of them would have followed me to harm him. Merlin has protected me from them since he serves me. That would explain his disappearance for most of the day or for several days or looking like he was in pain '' I said shocked

'' That would explain Lancelot's protectiveness of Merlin. He must have somehow found out about Merlin magic or Merlin saved him using magic. Don't argue since Lancelot set foot in Camelot he became fast friends with Merlin. For this he is tense and his eyes go to Merlin when we talk about magic. The question begs another one like this: Why didn't he tell us? '' said Leon calmly after being quiet all the time. I thought a little about it

'' Because we didn't give him a reason to tell us '' I said 

'' The first thing he saw when he entered Camelot the first time was men sentenced to death for magic. I know this because I asked him about his first day in the kingdom. We have not shown that we accept magic and on top of that all these prohibitions '' I began

'' Not forgetting that Merlin has a heart of gold Arthur. From childhood we were taught that magic is pure evil. Now that contradicts what we were taught because how can magic be evil if Merlin has it. There is no telling how many times he has saved us and lest the council take away the reward of what he has done for us and Camelot  '' said Leon 

'' We must show him that we will accept him for who he is and that he has om magic changes nothing. I need to start working on downloading the ban on magic. I will need someone with a lot of knowledge in this area and I am sure Merlin will be most suitable in this position '' I said with a smile. Gwaine suddenly laughed

'' How many stories he has to tell? What did he see and experience?  '' he said and the rest of us nodded.

We started talking about what we could do to show Merlin that we were on his side and didn't mind that he had magic.

Two weeks later

For the past two weeks we have been quietly showing a positive attitude towards magic and I have seen that Merlin has become suspicious by our behavior.

My plans to pull off the ban on magic are going well and I have very strong support from most of the council. They remember the days when we lived in harmony with magic and they know that pulling off the ban will solve many problems. 

Tomorrow there was to be a meeting where I will announce the pulling down of the ban on magic officially. I looked at Merlin

'' You know you are safe here right '' I asked catching his attention from his task 

'' you are safe with me. I won't let anything happen to you along with the Round Table '' I added at his confused face. I got up from my bureau w walked over to him when I was close I pulled him into a hug

'' You don't have to hide anymore Merlin. I know why you didn't tell me you have magic but you know that doesn't change how I feel about you. I was hurt that you didn't tell me but I understand and would have done the same if I were you '' I said calmly. 

Merlin hugged me back and started crying whispering thank you again and again. I kissed him on the forehead

'' You have nothing to thank me for Merlin. All of Camelot should thank you for what you have done since you set foot here. Tomorrow there will be a deliberation on the downloading of the ban on magic and you will find yourself recognized Court Warlock. For what you have done for me and never gave up you deserve this title most of all '' I said

'' I love you '' he said and I could see the panic in his eyes. I kissed him gently

'' I love you too '' I said with a smile and pulled him into a long kiss which he reciprocated.

I knew he was looking forward to a better future, and although I knew we might encounter different difficulties with I knew we could handle them.

Five years later

It was hard work but we succeeded. Camelot is open to magic again and no one will be punished for it if they use it for a good purpose.

Thanks to the fact that magic has taken up residence in Camelot again I can see that everyone is happier and everything is more lively.

Camelot lost a few allies who didn't like that I brought down the ban on magic, but we gained many more new and stronger allies.

All this happened thanks to Merlin who appeared in my life. Without him I would have been in a loveless marriage possibly with one child. 

And now I am happily married to the man of my life and thanks to his magic we welcomed twins into the world two years ago. I felt someone hugging me from behind

'' What are you thinking about My King '' I heard my husband's soft voice

'' About our and Camelot's past and future. How well everything has turned out because of you just coming into my life My Warlock '' I said and kissed him passionately.

I am glad that this man came into my life and gave me a very good and happy future. I looked at him

'' I love you My Guardian Angel '' I said

'' I love you more '' he said and kissed me again. I would not change my life for anything else

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