Part 3

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Neville and I were now walking towards Hagrid's hut, as Neville called it. I didn't know what to expect from this class, who knows there is a monster and my cover gets blown. I didn't feel like talking my way out of it or fighting. I haven't been attacked since I got on that stupid train.

Neville waved a hand in front of me "Whut?" I asked slightly dazed. We had come to a stop in front of a small hut. "I said 'We're here'." Neville said with a small smile.

"Everybody here?" Professor Grubly-Plank asked the class just as the last student came running towards the group. Some students nodded in response others mumbled a 'I think so' or a 'Yeah'. The Professor led al of the students to the long tables that were set out. In front of the Professor was a heap of sticks but I knew they weren't normal sticks.

Hermione's hand shot up in the air. Malfoy put on a stupid face, put a hand up in the air and started jumping up and down like a lunatic. Well, how nice of her. Note the sarcasm. A girl that was standing by him gave a shriek of laughter, soon that shriek turned in a scream. I looked around. To see that the sticks had jumped up and revealed that it wasn't a stick.

It looked like a pixie or something with a funny flat, barklike face. Some girls of griffondor started squealing at how cute they looked. I rolled my eyes at that. Those things are annoying little devils. I didn't listen to what the teacher was saying, I honestly didn't care about it.

After twenty long minutes the woman stopped talking and everybody took a Bowtruckle. I followed but when I came near the little devils I hesitated. I really didn't like these things. They are protectors of trees just like nymphs and saters, and they never like me. I grabbed one and held it tight. I walked to the most quite part of the tables and put it down. As soon as I sat it down it tried to run but I was faster. I made two shadows grab the creatures feet.

"Blimey, are you alright?" I looked up to see Ron just a few seats away from me. I furrowed my eyebrows. He noticed my confusion and gestured to my hands. I looked down to see it bleeding, I whipped it away to see little teeth marks. I glared at the Bowtruckle what almost grinned evilly back at me.

I grabbed a note block and started drawing the little tree spawn. I was done after a few minutes. It wasn't that hard, the fact that I had the Bowtruckle bound to the table with shadows and I'm pretty good at drawing. I haven't done it in a while but have drawn that stupid twig I wanted to draw other things.

I took a new page and started drawing. I didn't know what I was drawing. I just drew, letting my hand take the lead. "Wow, that is amazing!" Neville who was sitting next to me said. I looked at the drawing. It were my sisters, Hazel and Bianca. My throat tightened with the thought of Bianca.

I mumbled a 'Thanks' and closed my note book. The rest of the class was finishing up, when a skeleton rat ran towards me. I looked around to see if someone was looking and dropped my pen on the ground. When I picked it up from the ground, I took a look of the rat. I noticed a little peace of paper bound to it's tail. I quietly took it of and stood up. I watched as the the rat dissolved into dust.

I was about to open the note when Neville grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the castle. Normally I didn't allow anyone to touch me but there is something about him that made me allow it just for now.


I just don't know how but Neville made me eat more than just some potato. And I feel stuffed while Ron ate enough for the whole Hermes cabin. Even the thought about so much to eat made me nauseous. I plopped down on the couch in front of the fire.

I just sat there for what felt like minutes but when I looked at the clock I saw it was almost eleven. The only ones left were The Golden trio and the Weasley twins. I haven't talked to them, but I have an impression that they are a lot like the Stoll brothers.

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