part 26

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Neville took me to Hogsmeade, he apparated us in front of the Hog's Head. Quickly he pushed me inside and closed the door behind himself. He grabbed my arm again and dragged me to the back of the pub. "Nev, what are we doing here? And are we even allowed to go in here?" I asked unsurely, normally I wouldn't mind going somewhere I wasn't supposed to; heck that just comes with being a demigod. But since this is a wizard's pub you would think there would be wards around the place that would alert the owner of two teens sneaking into the back of the establishment.

"Yeah, it is totally fine. Aberforth is cool with us. And this is our entrance to Hogwarts, every other entrance and exit of Hogwarts is tightly guarded by Death Eaters or Dementors." Neville pushed open a door and walked towards the fireplace that was on the other side of the room. The room was just a normal living room. A portrait of a girl above the fire place, some couches and two big old chairs. In one of the chairs sat an old skinny man with a snow-white beard, I recognised him as the owner of the pub. The old man, of whom I presumed was Aberforth, raised his eyebrows at Neville but soon returned his expression to the same natural but somehow grumpy face of before.

"Back already?" He huffed out as he stood up. "I expected that you would take a while." He continued shuffling towards a cabinet and took out two bags and passed them to Neville, who took them. Neville nodded his head at the girl in the portrait as it flung aside to reveal a tunnel. He trew the bags in the tunnel and heaved himself on the mantle and climbed into the portrait hole. Once he was up he beckoned me over.

"Come on. This tunnel will lead us into Hogwarts undetected." He said. I walked to the fire place and easily up the mantle and into the tunnel. "Show off." Neville glared playfully. We waved goodbye to Aberforth and the door closed behind us.

We reached the end after a while of walking and bumping my head against the ceiling six times. For someone who practically lives in the dark my night vision kind of sucked. I blame Will for it, each time he visited my cabin he would throw open all of the curtains. The guy loves his sunlight way too much.

"Neville! You're back early!" A voice shouted as soon as Neville's face came into the light. Neville nodded and hopped down. I followed suit and immediately got hugged by Luna.

"Nico! It is so nice to see you again!" She whispered. "All of the wackspurts that were around you are all gone!" She continued with a dreamy smile.

"Di Angelo? You went away for days to get Di Angelo?" A voice almost shouted. "How is he going to help against the Death Eaters? How do we know he isn't one?" I looked at Neville who was facing a confused and angry Zacharias Smith.

I purposefully rolled up my sleeves and grinned at him. "Because I can help a lot with terrorizing those idiots."


I just finished planning our next attack/prank on the Carrow's. Rebelling against the Death Eaters for the DA since I arrived. I could do a lot of things for them by shadowtraveling around the castle and keeping them hidden in the shadows.

I walked back to the corner that I had claimed as my own the past three weeks when a large commotion at the tunnel that led to Aberforth's living room. I turned to see Neville hobbling out of the tunnel followed by Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Almost all of the students in the Room of Requirement started cheering as soon as Harry's face came into the light. They all looked good, at least as good as they could be. The trio all had lost weight during their year on the run. And their eyes shifted from person to person and from corner to corner like they expected Voldemort to suddenly jump out and start cursing them.

I grinned, I had a feeling that this war would be over soon.


Okay, I suck at making promises. I didn't finish this story at all this summer. But I'm still trying very hard to actually finish it. I'm so close already, I'm not going to give up now!

Anyways, I've just arrived in Oxford where I'll be living for three months, hopefully after those my English will have improved a lot and then I hope that I have the skill (and the patience) to improve this story.

I hope you all liked this part. Please vote and keep the comments nice!

XOXO Herondale

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