Part 22

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I finished with inspecting if there were any escaped souls in the room, luckily there weren't any. I knew from experience that newly escaped souls could put up quite the fight. They thought that their reward for escaping the underworld would be that they would get a second chance at living. Unfortunately for them dead meant dead so they wouldn't have any chance to return, the only reward they would receive was some time in the fields of punishment with the furies.

I slowly approached the archway and inspected the entrance a little closer. The archway was filled with mist, making it look like there was a thin sheet of silk hanging in the archway. To a mortal it would look like just that, a sheet of silk hanging in an archway, but someone who can see through the mist could see the underworld. The stone pillars of the archway were covered in ancient Greek runes and writing, all of them had something to do with the underworld or death. I focussed on the left pillar that had a particular sentence on it that interested me.

"The children of this realm's god can only enter alive"

I raised an eyebrow at the writing. Thanatos or father clearly didn't make it because they made it their job to close these kind of openings as much as possible. Maybe it was made by one of my half siblings a long time ago. And ancient Greek wasn't exactly a language that only demigods and gods could read, mortals could learn it as well and especially wizards. Wizards even had a few spells that were in ancient Greek, of course they could read that sentence.

I took a few steps back and looked at the archway. It was tall but shouldn't be a problem to be taken down. I've taken down bigger openings to the underworld with less energy than this; it shouldn't be a problem at all.

I closed my eyes and imagined the opening without the stone archway or the arena that was in the room and focused only on that. I took a deep breath to start the ritual for taking down entrances when a body hit me. The body flung me off the platform and landed heavily on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw someone dressed in a cloak with their hood up and some ugly ass mask on their face, I guessed that he was a death eater. The death eater brought their hand up, probably to poke me with their wand. Fortunately for me, I was faster then them and punched them square in the face. The mask flew of what I could see now, a man with dirty black hair who looked like he was in his forties. The man's eyes rolled back and he was knocked out cold.

I threw his body of mine and looked around. The quiet arena had turned into a battlefield in a matter of seconds. Ginny, Neville, Luna and Harry were throwing spells at death eaters while deflecting the ones that were pointed at them. I stood up and punched a man who was about to throw some curse at Neville in the stomach and smashed my knee in his face while he doubled over.

Suddenly some of the death eaters disappeared and reappeared behind Neville, Luna, Ginny and I. They grabbed us and held their wants in our necks, poking painfully in our airways. There were only two death eaters left, both didn't have a mask on so we could see their faces. The first was a woman with crazy curling brown hair, which I recognised form the wanted posters that Harry put in the Room of Requirement. The other was a man with long silver blond hair, no doubt that was Draco Malfoy's father. Those two looked too much like each other, only an idiot wouldn't see the resemblance.

"Potter, give us the prophecy and your friends will live." Malfoy said while looking intently at a misty silver orb that was resting in the palm of Harry's hand. Harry looked at us uncertainly, and I was pretty sure that he was going to give it to Malfoy, when suddenly several people appeared in the room. The death eaters got into a panic and let go of us as they started firing spells at the newcomers. I recognised Sirius and a Remus between everyone.

I pushed my captor away and ran towards Harry who just slammed the orb down on the ground, breaking it. The mist flew from out of the shards and formed the figure of a woman with curly hair and ridiculous large glasses. A raspy voice floated from the woman as she opened her mouth.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...
Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...
and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...
and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...

The woman's mouth closed and the mist disappeared. "That wasn't weird at all." I remarked sarcastically as I approached Harry, who shot me a look. I saw Malfoy move his arm and I was just in time to pull Harry away from some kind of curse he had thrown at Harry. Sirius jumped in front of us before either Harry or I could draw our wands to do something.

"Not my godson!" Sirius growled, almost literally like an animal, before throwing a hex at Malfoy. Harry drew his wand and started helping his god father attacking the man when the crazy haired woman joined us up the platform.

Spells were being thrown around and hitting the walls behind us. I had turned away to kick a death eater in the face when he tried to sneak up behind Remus who was busily battling an other death eater. I turned around as I hear Sirius laugh, I looked just as him as a spell hit him square in the chest and knocked him through the entrance of the underworld. Harry screamed as Remus grabbed him to hold him back from going after Sirius.

I cursed under my breath as I made a run to the entrance, dodging a darker colored wizard who came with Sirius and Remus, and threw myself through the entrance.


So yeah... that happened. 

I'm sorry for not being able to write for a while. I just finished an other week of exams and I'm mentally broken. Why? Because I am an idiot who studies a whole chapter for biology, that I didn't even have to learn! I blame my teacher for it, she was going on and on about how important this chapter was, and I got confused and learned it. Props to me for being an idiot.

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XOXO Herondale

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