Part 29 (Finish)

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It was finally over. The war was finally over. The first battle lasted for three hours before Voldemort decided to give us a break and give us time to recover our wounded and our fallen ones. He also gave Harry one last chance to surrender himself to him with the promise that he would leave the school alone. Which that stupid suicidal idiot actually did, however, there was something weird happening while he died. I couldn't feel his soul entering the underworld, something that I usually could feel when I concentrated enough on the person. His soul just kind of lingered around the area where his body was before it got slammed back in violently, I can tell you one thing, when you are focussing on one soul, feeling how the soul goes back into it's body is almost sickening. When Voldemort returned to the castle to celebrate his 'victory' over killing the boy who lived, Harry popped out once again and somehow killed Voldemort by turning his own killing curse on him.

Percy and Jason had fought off all the giants while doing by their terms minimal damage to the castle, this is translated to that the whole dungeon was flooded and there were patches of scorched grass and stones where Jason thought it was necessary to unleash lightning in an excessive amount.

At the moment, you could hear cheers coming from the great hall from where I was hiding on the stairs to the first floor, as the Weasley twins hugged their whole family and got a packet of their celebratory fireworks ™ from somewhere and were trying to cheer up the survivors that were left. By what I could here they were doing an alright job. However, we still lost so many people, a lot kids who hadn't even finished their seventh year and even a few who weren't even close to being seventeen yet. This was one of the moments I hated the most of being the ghost king, the hour after battle, in which Thanatos was hoarding together all the souls he could find with his minions. Some of the souls, mostly death eater ones, hadn't come to terms that they've died and tried in vain to get back into their bodies and live on. This was one of the thing I could hear as the ghost king, and it was giving me a damn headache!

"Need some ambrosia?" Will's voice shook me from my thoughts as the carefully approached and wrapped an arm around my waist. "You look like you could use some." He continued as he eyed the bags under my eyes and forehead carefully, after dating for a few years he apparently figured out the signs of me having over used my 'underworldly' powers.

I shook my head. "It's just the death eaters souls putting up a fight against Thanatos and his little helpers. They aren't exactly being cooperative and I'm too tired to block them out at the moment." I answered him, turning myself more into his embrace and resting my head on his shoulders. Something that had taken a lot of time to finally feel naturally.

Will hummed, "Do you want to come back to camp with us on the Argo II or do you want to stay here with your friends for a little while longer?"

I planted a small kiss on his neck, "I just wanna go home and pretend that this was all just a bad dream." I murmured. "I'll see Harry and the others in like a week or something, you know, when I have the energy to deal with wizards again."

And with that we walked down the stairs in search of all the demi gods to bring them, and ourselves back home.


So I finally did it, I finished this story.  I really hope you guys like/are satisfied with the outcome of the story. I am pretty proud of how i've finished.

I'm sorry it took such a long time to finish, but personal reasons stood in the way and a major writers block just terrorized me until I took a small hiatus to get my shit back together. And I did, i lost 7 kg and got a job and my life is starting to feel more structured again.

If you liked the story please leave a like and maybe share with a friend there is a new complete HP/PJO fanfic that they can read in one binge watch reading. And as always keep the comments nice

XOXO HeronDaLe

Useles stats that I just wanna put here from the word document i wrote this in (because these kind of stats make me happy):
1. 81 pages long
2. total of 36004 words

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