part 10

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Nico's P.O.V.

I looked at the door that had appeared. It still amazed me sometimes what kind of things these wizards had. Tonight was my first meeting with the DA. Will, Jenna and Leo weren't going. Seeing that they'll be leaving tomorrow, they didn't see the use of joining.

I entered the room and saw that only the golden trio and the rest of the Weasley's had assembled. Everyone turned to me as soon as the door closed.

"Is this everyone or are there more?" I asked as I looked at the small group before me.

"There are others coming, you're just early." Ron said. I nodded in response and walked towards the book cases that were lining the wall. I picked up a book and opened it on a random page. Everyone else started chatting about something I didn't really care about.

I leaned against the bookcase, staring at the letters in the book but my mind was wondering off. Will is going to be leaving tomorrow. Just like Jenna, Leo and Calypso. Tomorrow evening they'll be gone and I'll be alone. I'll still have Neville and Hermione, but it is not really the same. I just know the others longer.

I got snapped out of my thought by Harry clapping in his hands. "Okay, so now everyone is here. Before we begin I want to introduce our newest member to you." He said, he turned to me with the last part causing everyone else to turn to me too. Hermione who was standing closest to me grabbed the book out of my hands and put it back to it's original place.

"This is Nico Di Angelo, the newest member of the DA." she said.

Some kids looked at me weirdly but I just shrugged it off. I made a gesture that said to Harry that he could continue. He cleared his throat and started talking again.

"We will be repeating everything we've covert, because the winter holiday will start in a week. So let's start with the disarming spell shall we." And with that we started firing disarming charms at each other.


I threw my wand in the air let it spin for a few times before I grabbed it out of the air. I repeated this while I was walking down the hallway. Yesterday night was fun with the DA. I had been sparring with Neville afterwards to catch up with his training again. I have noticed that Neville's magic skills improves as he gets better at combat too. Personally I think it is the focus he has gotten from the knife throwing that his aim improves.

Suddenly I crashed into a wall that I was sure of that it wasn't here at all. I stumbled a bit to gain my balance. "Oh sorry Nico. Didn't see you there." Harry said.

"Doesn't matter. I wasn't watching where I was going." I waved it off and started walking again.

"Nico," Harry said making me stop dead in my tracks.

"You can do self-defense right?" I turned around so I was facing him and nodded, a little suspicious of where Harry was trying to go to. Harry did look really nervous.

"Can you teach the DA some, you know in case we lose our wand or get attacked by a muggle in the muggle world. So we wouldn't be completely defenseless." I nodded at Harry's idea. It was actually a pretty good idea of him. That surprised me, dumb has a good idea.

"Yeah, I'll do it." Harry looked surprised at my answer, his expression showed a bit of relief.

I mumbled a 'see ya later' as I continued walking down the hallway.


I was leaning agains a tree at the edge of the lake, where Leo has parked the Argo II, as I watched Leo, Calypso, Jenna and Will say goodbye to everyone who they've befriended the past month. I would have joined them but I'm not good at goodbye's. The last time I said goodbye was the day my sister left on her quest. And look how that turned out. I lost her.

I looked away since I saw Will starting to walk towards me. I looked over the lake and as always I secretly wondered how it was to swim in the lake. But because of my parentage I wouldn't be able to. Poseidon didn't really hate me or something, he just didn't like the aura of death in the sea.

"If you want to go swimming again I would recommend a pool and not a lake." Will said as he came to stand besides me. I chuckled dryly.

"I did that once when I was twelve, Will. I'm not planning on doing it again. Still have those bloody scars. Who knew that little fish like that could do so much damage?" I said. Will laughed at that. I liked his laugh, it was so care free. Very different then the laughs I normally hear. Those are the malicious and cold laughs.

"Are you going to come to camp for christmas?" Will looked at me with curious eyes. I didn't know. Maybe my father and Hecate will have give me these weeks free. But I didn't know for sure, and I didn't want to upset two gods.

"No, I don't thinks so. Maybe I'll stay here at the castle, do some research on some magical things and stuff. I don't know." I mumbled.

I looked at Leo as he called Will's name from the ship. "Come on Will. We don't have all day." Will turned to the ship and waved him off.

"So goodbye then?" He asked.

"I don't do goodbyes. They always end bad." I said, not looking at Will.

"Okay... See you later then?" He asked again with a hopeful smile. I smiled at him.

"Hopefully earlier, you never know when I get done with my job with Harry Freaking Potter." I grumbled. Will laughed at that he shook his head as he turned to walk to the Argo II.

I looked back at the lake again. Almost losing myself in my thoughts again. When suddenly I felt something warm on my cheek. I turned my head to see Will grinning boyishly at me, and my cheeks reddened incredibly.

"I will see you soon." He said before running to the Argo. Leaving me there stunned, a head as read as Weasley's hair. Not able to bring out a word. I watched as the argo rose up and made it's way west. One last thought ran through my head as I watched the ship disappear behind the mountains surrounding the school.

Will Freaking Solace kissed me.


yes this is a short chapter but I'll think I'll make them this short and split some up because else I would be done when I have a part 13 with the way how I write.
Anyways I hope you've enjoyed this chapter even though it is a load of BS.

And the song. Oh how I love this song, every time it comes on on my playlist I sing it out loud together with my friend kidneys. It annoys everyone in our class but we don't care.  

Thanks for all the votes and that you guys are reading this.

XOXO Herondale

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