part 25

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"You know I can set you on fire in a matter of seconds, right?" Leo panted as he dodged another swipe from my sword. I had been given the task to teach Leo how to fight with swords because Chiron didn't think that he should rely on his fire powers only. Normally Percy would be the one teaching, but he and Annabeth are in New Rome at the moment so Chiron appointed me with the job to teach the son of Hephaestus how to fight with a sword and without fire.

"And you know that I can send you to the Underworld with just a snap of my fingers, right?" I replied as I easily jumped back from his stab at my stomach. I quickly grabbed Leo's hand and flipped him over me. Leo let the sword drop right out of his grasp as he landed on his back.

"Are we done now?" Leo groaned as he rolled onto his side. I nodded as I looked at the wristwatch my father had given me for my eighteenth birthday. It has been two years since I returned from Hogwarts, and nothing really big happened, well asides from the fact that Will and I are officially dating for a year now. After a year of pining from the both of us we got together with the help of the Aphrodite cabin who decided that Will and I danced around each other long enough and gave us the final push to get together.

I helped Leo up and together we started walking towards the Big House where the rest of the seven probably was. Since every one of the seven was at least eighteen, or in Hazel's case almost, is everyone promoted to teachers or instructors of different activities. Percy was the sword fighting instructor, Annabeth taught the new children all the basics they need to know to survive and also extra classes Greek and Latin and of course architecture and all that artsy stuff. Leo was in charge of supplying the new kids with their weapons and teaching Athena and Hephaestus kids stuff about mechanics, in his free time he was working on technology that demigods could safely use without sending out a signal to every single monster in a ten-mile radius.

Jason helped kids with controlling their powers and worked as an ambassador of New Rome. Piper started teaching kids about the mythology of the Greek but also other old believes of the world. Hazel was teaching the kids how to ride the Pegasus' that were in Camp and how to care for them. And Frank was helping kids with archery.

A young girl ran in the arena and made a screeching halt in front of us. "Nico, there is a new camper at the big house and he wishes to speak with you!" She panted as she looked up at me. I nodded and she took off, having done her job.

I looked at Leo. "Wanna join me?" I asked as I started walking towards the big house. "Why not?" He shrugged and followed me.

After a few minutes, I was opening the door of the big house. "...I really can't stay." I heard a voice say. Jason and Piper were leaning on the Ping-Pong table whispering to each other, and Chiron wat talking to someone who had his back turned to the door.

"What a shame Nev, I was hoping you would finally stay here for a while." I grinned. Neville turned around and relieve flooded his face. "Thank Merlin, you're finally here." He breathed as he walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. I pulled back and took a good look at him. He had lost a lot of weight since the last time I've seen him. He had bags under his eyes and he was favouring his right leg.

"What in the Underworld has happened to you?" I asked as I reached for the ambrosia that usually lay on the coffee table in the big house. Neville accepted the godly food and nibbled on it.

"Death eaters have taken over the school." Neville dropped the bomb like it was nothing. "Their punishments are a lot different compared to McGonagall. I slipped out for a little while to get here but I have to get back soon. The DA is back and we need your help. Please, come back with me to Hogwarts?" He asked in one breath.

I looked at Chiron, who nodded at me. I turned my eyes back to Neville and gave some kind of half smile. "Let me get my wand."


I know I said I would finish these past two months but I had the biggest writers block ever. But here is the new chapter. I really hope I'll finish this story soon because then I'll have a complete story and I really want that. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this (short) chapter. I'll try to write a new one as soon as possible.

Please vote and keep the comments nice

XOXO Herondale 

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