part 12

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Nico's p.o.v.

I fell down painfully as the spinning stopped thanks to George who fell right on top of me. I shoved him of me and looked around, it was almost to dark to see a thing but me being in the underworld so much could see quite good in the darkness. But before anything really came in of what I was seeing a horrible screeching started right behind me.

"BLOOD TRAITORS, MUDBLOODS HOW DARE YOU TO ENTER THE NOBLE HOUSE OF BLACK?!" I whipped my head around, my hand going to my ring that changed in my sword. I relaxed slightly as I only saw a painting. It was an old lady who looked uglier then a fury screaming like that.

"SHUT UP WOMAN!" A voice yelled, I once again turned around. This time facing a man around his beginning or mid thirties, with long black hair and eyes that looked haunted like that of a ghost, it almost made me think he was near a dementor for a long time. They were some of my fathers servants who worked in the fields of punishment.

He walked passed me and drew the curtains shut causing the screaming to stop in mid sentence. The man turned around and smiled as he looked at Harry and the Weasley's but the smile vanished as soon as his eyes came to lay on me.

"Who are you?" He barked pulling out his wand from somewhere in his jacket. Harry replied before I could open my mouth.

"Sirius, this is Nico Di Angelo, he is a friend. His father is part of the order." He said carefully coming to stand besides me. "Dumbledore send him here with us."

Sirius let down his wand but didn't put it away. He walked up to Harry and gave him a hug. "Come to the kitchen, I'll have some butterbeer for you guy's. Merlin knows you'll need it." He said.


I slumped back in to my seat with relief. We just have gotten the news that mr. Weasley will be okay. Even though I don't know the man, it is a relief to know he won't die. Harry, Sirius and the Weasley's all drank their butterbeer, what they haven't touched until now, in one go. I felt that Sirius was still watching me. After five minutes he decided to break the silence.

"Soo Nico, we haven't been introduced properly." He said, shifting in his seat so he was facing me. "I'm Sirius Black, Harry's godfather." He looked at me expectantly, not the sort of 'Introduce yourself' way but 'are you going to freak out yet?' way.

"Nico Di Angelo." I replied looking at him. He narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"What? No screaming 'What the hell, you are a murderer?!'?" Sirius imitated with an annoying high pitched voice that rivaled that of the portraits in the hall. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Are you?" I asked. Sirius seemed thrown off by my question.


"Are you a murderer, have you ever killed someone?" I leaned forward putting my elbows on the kitchen table we were all sitting around. Everyone else was carefully listening to our conversation.

"No!" Sirius said offended, "I wouldn't, well at least anyone innocent." He added the last part in a much softer and darker voice.

"Why would I scream that you're a murderer?" I asked.

"You don't know?" Ron asked cutting in. "It is an important part in Harry's story. Everyone in the wizard world knows! How do you not know?!" He ranted.

"Maybe Ronniekins," Fred joined too, not long before George joins I guessed. Those two do everything together. "It is an lesser known story in America." Yup there was George. Ron was about to reply before I cut him off.

"I really want to know why. So can we leave the discussion for later?"

Everyone nodded and Sirius started telling his story.


"So this Azkaban is a prison especially for wizards?" I asked, Harry nodded. "And they're guarded by dementors?" He nodded again. I sighed, so that is where the gone rouge dementors went to. The wizards and witches. Well now I have completed one of my past jobs, 'find the rouge dementors'.

Suddenly Sirius clapped in his hands gathering all of our attention. "It is late and you guys have been up almost the whole night. Let's get to bed. Nico you can share a room with Harry and Ron." I nodded but didn't stand up like everyone else. "I can't sleep anymore, you guys go up. I'll stay here." I said when Ron looked at me with a raised eyebrow. He nodded and went up with the others going to sleep. Sirius going up

I leaned back in my chair let out a sigh. I was tired as Hades but as I already had said to Ron, I couldn't sleep anymore. I had a feeling something was about to happen. I have had this feeling before. In the labyrinth about the attack Kronos was going to have on camp Half-Blood, when I was about to be trapped in that horrible jar. The only problem is that I don't know when it is going to actually happen or what is going to happen. I only get the feeling it is going to happen and there is no way around it.

I patted my pockets to see if I had brought something with me. I felt two things, they were tiny, about the size of a key. A pencil and a sketchbook. Honestly I have never drawn since I was ten and in the casino. I needed something to shrink to practice for a spell, and those were just there. I think I might have put it in my pajama pocket before I went to sleep or something. I enlarged them again and started mindlessly sketching.

I got out of my mindless state when someone entered the kitchen. I looked up to see Sirius walking in followed by a plump woman with red hair. I guessed that this was the Weasley's mom. She was talking but stopped mid sentence as her eyes fell on me.

"Sirius, who is this?" She asked not taking her eyes off me, I felt like she was inspecting me.

Sirius seemed like he was snapped out of a daze. "Oh, Uhm, this is Nico Di Angelo. He goes to Hogwarts and is staying here for the winter holidays. Nico, this is Molly Weasley. Ron's mother." So I guessed right, not that it was an hard thing to guess.

I stood up from my chair, putting the sketch pad on the table, and walked over to Mrs. Weasley. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Weasley. I'm sorry for what happened to your husband." I said, sticking my hand out for her to shake. What I however not expected was to be pulled in a hug.

"Don't be so formal, and you couldn't do anything about it. Ron mentioned you in his letters, said you saved Harry." She pulled away and held me on arms length, and tsked. "What do they feed the kids in Hogwarts. Too skinny, and so pale. Oh, let me make you a proper breakfast." She ranted letting go of me and walking further into the kitchen. "Sirius, go wake up the kids and say that they need to come down. Breakfast will be ready in ten." She ordered.


And here is an other one, the start is rubbish I know. But I am pretty proud of the ending. Finally I could update this, all the school stress. But it was worth it, no (al too) bad grades on my rapport card. And Holy Freaking Appelschilletjes(dutch >-<) 16 K views and 900 votes. I am dancing so happy am I right now.

Keep the comments nice, please vote, and you are free to suggest anything for the story.

XOXO Herondale

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