Part 27

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The school was in chaos. All the students were called to the great hall and everyone under 17 or anyone who didn't want to fight was evacuated from the castle through the tunnel to the Hogg's head. Harry had gone with Luna to the Ravenclaw dorms to look for the tiara of Helena Ravenclaw. Hermione and Ron disappeared after Harry had left, I didn't know where to but I trusted them enough to let go without having to worry too much about them.

Snape had fled as soon as Professor McGonagall turned to him. You could say what you want, but if you didn't believe that McGonagall wanted the best for the school or her students you were dead wrong. She started to take action as soon as the minors and other students were away. She divided the students in groups with a teacher leading each group and gave them their own tasks.

The students who were good with plants, like Neville, had to go with Professor Sprout and set up traps with the plants from the greenhouse. Apparently there are a lot of plants there that are offensive when their habitat is being attacked.

There was a group of students sent away with Professor Flitwick. They had gotten the task to put as many defensive charms as they could on the castle and around it. Flitwick himself activated a barrier that would hold away a lot of dark curses that could be used to attack or destroy the castle. McGonagall herself activated another part of the castle's defence. All of the statues came to life and stationed themselves on the castle ground.

"What do we do about the dark creatures? Most of the creatures that You-Know-Who has collected for his army are resistant to almost every sort of spells." I overheard Professor Sinistra ask McGonagall.

"What kind of dark creatures?" I interjected. Both women looked at me. "Giants, Trolls, maybe the Acromantula of the forest." McGonagall answered after a short silence. I nodded understandingly.

"Give me half an hour and I'll be back with a solution for that" I gave the women a mock salute and shadow travelled to camp without waiting for an answer.

I arrived at the Arena where Percy just got knocked on his ass by Annabeth. A few campers were gathered around them in a circle. Some were cheering and others were groaning, a few campers handed a few Drachma to the Stoll brothers. I jumped as a pair of arms wrapped around me. I turned to see Will smiling at me.

"You're finally back!" He said excitedly before kissing me. I hummed and kissed him back happily, it has been a month since I last saw my boyfriend and I missed him.

I reculantly pulled back. "Not for long though," Will's smile faded a bit. "I need a few demigods to come with me to Hogwarts. There is going to be a fight and we need people who can fight dark creatures who are resistant to their spells." A group of campers had started to surround us as I explained it to Will.

"I'll go!" Annabeth said, "I would really want to see that castle." She added with an almost dreamy smile. Percy slung his arm over Annabeth's shoulder. "I'll go where ever my wise girl goes. Count me in"

After a few minutes I had a small group of demigods who were prepared to come with me. It wasn't that big of a group so I could easily shadow travel all of us there. I had Leo, Annabeth, Will, Jenna, Percy, Frank and Jason with me. Everyone stood in a circle around me as I concentrated on the shadows. I had found out that shadow traveling with a group was faster when they stood in a circle around me instead of me being in the circle too. That way I would have to concentrate less on the person the farthest from me and more to concentrate on the destination.

A moment later we landed in the great hall. Several people raised their wands at us, ready to fire a spell before Neville shouted "Stop" when he recognised me, Leo, Will and Jenna.

"Thank god you're back, they have giants with them. Giants!" Neville stressed, "I was starting to think we'd have to take them on without your help."

"Neville, don't you worry about them anymore. We'll take care of them. You guys just focus on keeping the death eaters out and staying safe." I reassured him before grabbing Annabeth's arm and dragging her with me. Jason and Percy immediately followed us as puppies. Most people would think that Jason or Percy would be the leader of the group, but it was actually Annabeth.

I stopped in front of McGonagall who was talking strategies with a few other professors. "Professor, this is Annabeth Chase. The best strategist I've ever known, she'll help you as best as she can and we'll handle the dark creatures." I rambled off, waving vaguely at the group of demigods behind us.

Annabeth nodded at all the professors as they started to explain their plans before adding her own ideas and strategies. I wondered off and started talking with Will and Neville who were standing next to the door.

"Will, you can help madam Pomphrey with all the injured. She's the school nurse and would quite appreciate the help I think." I whispered to him. He nodded and walked off. I let out a quiet sigh of relieve. Most of the time I was very happy that Will was more of the medic type instead of the warrior type. He would be out of the line of fire but still helping people a lot.

I summoned my sword and gave it a few swings. This would be an interesting battle.


And here is another chapter! I have the feeling my writers block is gone mostly, *knock on wood*, since I suddenly got so much inspiration on what to write. It also helps that I have more free time now so I can actually just take my time and write this.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Please vote and keep the comments nice!

XOXO Herondale

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