part 11

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nico's P.O.V.

I woke at the sound of screaming. I bolted up and looked around the dorm. My eyes landing on Harry who was trashing around in his bed, his forehead was dripping with sweat.

I stood from my bed just as Ron and the others started stirring. I took long strides towards Harry's bed and grabbed his shoulders, holding him down on the bed.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" Ron mumbled, slowly sitting up. As soon as his eyes fell on Harry and me he shot up. He was standing on the other side of Harry's bed in seconds.

"Nightmare, and a bad one by the looks of it." I said, still holding Harry down on his bed. His wild movements have gone down, but he was still in his dream.

"I'm gonna get McGonagall." I heard Seamus say, or was it Dean? I didn't know and I didn't really care at the moment. Ron bended over Harry and softly started slapping his cheek. Harry started mumbling incoherent things, The only word you could understand was 'No'. Suddenly Harry gasped and sat up, eyes wide open. His eyes flickered past all of us and landed on Ron.

"Ron, Ron your father h-he is in danger." Harry said, panic clearly in his voice. Before it turned into something else, I just had enough time to jump out of the way before Harry leaned over the side of his bed and puked.

"Oh, great." I muttered thinking about those poor house elves that had to clean that up. The door flew open and McGonagall stood there. A robe thrown over her pajamas and a sleeping hat on. It looked quite comical but now wasn't the time to laugh.

"What is happening?" McGonagall strode over to Harry's bed and looked at him.

"He just woke up and started saying my father was in danger. It was a nightmare, I believe." Ron said, you could see a bit of worry in his eyes.

"Come Potter, we must get you to the hospital wing."

"No! You must warn Dumbledore, Mr. Weasley was attacked and we need to help him now!" Harry was almost yelling by now. "He was at the place where it was held. Professor you must believe me." Harry continued.

McGonagall froze, you could almost see the wheels turning in her head. "Potter, Weasley and DiAngelo follow me. The rest of you go back to bed." Some look like they wanted to protest but after one look from McGonagall and they shut up.

We started following McGonagall out of our dorm where we bumped into the Weasley twins. "What happened?" Fred and George said at the same time. McGonagall sighed.

"Fred, George you can follow us as well. I suppose this is something what includes you." She said before we continued our way to Hades knows where. "Mr. Thomas was lucky I already was on the way here for you Mr. DiAngelo." She said while she continued walking, her pace was pretty fast and Harry and the Weasley's were almost running to keep up with her. I kept up with her pretty easily.

I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Have I done something wrong?" I asked. McGonagall only shook her head. We had arrived at a stone Gargoyle. The statue slowly lifted it's head. "Password." It demanded.

"Lemon Drops" McGonagall said without missing a beat. The statue nodded and sprung aside revealing a set of stairs that spiraled upwards. We climbed up the steps, as soon as I stood on the stairs it started moving upwards. We soon arrived in front of a set of heavy looking oak doors, which McGonagall opened with ease(spelling?). I straightened up as soon as I saw who was inside.

"Father, what brings you here?" I asked looking at my father who was sitting in the chair in front of Dumbledore's desk as if it was his throne. My father stood and looked at the people around me before he stood up to his full height, being a good 6'7" towering over everyone else in the room, even Ron who was pretty tall.

"I had to talk with Albus about something considering the order-" My father started before Ron cut him off.

"Wait, how do you know about the Order?" Annoyance flickered in my fathers eyes. It was very rude to cut off a god, especially when one has the temper as my fathers. I know my father was holding himself in because if it were any other situation, Ron would've been a pile of cherubs food.

"Yes Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore said calmly. "Mr. DiAngelo's family is our most important ally in America." I felt the Weasley's eyes on me, Harry still too freaked out by his nightmare to notice any thing else. Normally I would have started fidgeting with my t-shirt or ring but not when my father was in the same room.

"But that isn't something we must discuss now. Why Potter, Weasley and Granger are here, Minerva?" Dumbledore continued.

"Ron's father is attacked. He is in danger Professor, please you must do something!" Harry started freaking out again. I zoned out as Dumbledore started questioning Harry calmly. At some point Dumbledore said something to one of the past headmasters who rushed out.

"Nico, can I talk to you?" Came my fathers voice from my left. I nodded as answer. "Mr. Weasley is gonna be okay. You're going to join the Weasleys and Potter for the holidays at Grimmauld place." He said in greek. "It will make your job easier I suppose. Oh, and I talked to Hecate, she said you'll be done with this at the end of the school year. You are going to return to camp."

"Yes Father." I said, an silence fell over us.

"Mr. Di Angelo, it was a pleasure to see you again." Dumbledore's voice broke through the silence, "I suppose Nico will join the others to Grimmauld place?"

"It was good to see you again Albus. And yes, Nico will be joining the others." He then turned to me. "Nico, I am proud of you. Your mother would be proud too." He said in Greek before he turned around and strode out of the headmaster's office.

I joined everyone around Dumbledore's desk, standing in between Fred and Ginny, who suddenly had appeared. Probably somewhere in the time I was zoned out. Dumbledore put an old hat on his desk, I followed everybody and put one finger on it. We waited like this a few seconds before I felt a tug on my belly button and everything started to spin.


Finally an other chapter done! (I finished it in math class.) I hope you liked this chapter, it was kind of a fill in chapter because hey, why not.

Please vote and keep the comments nice, I try to update as much as possible but my teachers are being dicks and give me too much homework.

XOXO Herondale

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