Part 23

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I landed on the floor on my side. Well, I actually more like crashed down. The entrance was in a cliff with no ground to stand on after you came through the entrance. Luckily it wasn't that high of a drop, I wouldn't die from entering but I would if I dropped down from a great height.

Sirius was laying on the ground a few feet to my left. He was knocked out cold but his chest was still moving. I frowned; the archway said that only a son of Hades would survive passing through the entrance. I slowly walked towards Sirius and knelt at his side. I shook his shoulder but Sirius didn't respond. A growling sound got my attention as I tried to wake up Sirius. I turned around to come face to face with Cerberus, or in his case, faces. I let out a deep breath, it was just Cerberus. I feared for a moment that it were Hellhounds or something like that. That would have been bad.

Cerberus took a step forward, all three of it's heads focused on Sirius. I looked back to Sirius who looked like he was waking up. Cerberus growled again as Sirius moved his arm. I quickly shushed him and told him to lay down as I knelt next to Sirius again. Sirius let out a string of curses as he opened his eyes. It took a moment before his finally focused on me.

"Good morning, did you sleep well" I asked as I helped him sit up.

"Where are we?" He asked as he looked around. He froze as his graze fell upon Cerberus, who stood up again and was softly growling. I rolled me eyes and walked over to him and petted his paw to calm him down

"We're in the underworld" I answered simply, Sirius eyes widened in shock. "I'm dead?" He asked me. "Why am I seeing you?! Why not an angel or Merlin or something?" He continued to mumble as he slowly stood up.

I snickered. "You aren't dead-" "Thank Merlin's sweaty underpants!" "You just fell through one of the entrances of the Underworld." One of Cerberus' heads barked and walked back in the direction of father's castle.

Sirius eyes followed him until he was out of sight. "What was that?"

"That was Cerberus, the original one. He was just doing his job of guarding the Underworld." I grabbed his arm and dragged him to an old dead tree. "Come on, we have to go back and show Potter that you're not dead."

Sirius straightened and nodded. He looked around again and then at me. "How are we getting back?" He asked me, just as we arrived in the shadow of the tree. I grinned creepily at him and held his arm tighter. "Through the shadows of course." And I let the shadows envelop us with that.

We emerged in the hall of the ministry of magic only moments later. The first thing I noticed was a creepy man without a nose standing next to Bellatrix, whom I assumed was Voldemort. Harry and Dumbledore were sitting on the ground just a few meters to the side. There were getting groups op wizards and witches coming out of the fireplaces to start their day, in the front was standing minister Fudge. His eyes were impossibly big and his hands were shaking at his side.

Bellatrix looked around the room with a insane kind of happiness, but that happiness soon fade to shock as her eyes fell on Sirius and me.

"You!" She shouted, pointing her finger at Sirius. "I killed you! How are you here?" She screamed. Voldemort had turned around and let his eyes glide over Sirius before turning them to me. I felt something probing my mind as our eyes met. I grinned as I let out a few memories of the fields of punishment. 'Hello Tom, this is your next home' I thought to Voldemort before I broke the connection.

Voldemort narrowed his eyes at me before grabbing Bellatrix by the arm, stopping her from throwing a curse to Sirius and disapparated.


So I let Sirius live, I couldn't do it. I don't even know how J.K. could do it. Just how? How could she kill someone so wonderful?? 

I want to know what you tink of how Sirius survived falling through the veil. Let me know in the comments!

The next chapter will probably take a while again. My final exams are coming soon and I'm studying like crazy.

Please like and keep the comments nice


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