Chapter 1

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Estella hated all men.

They were all cruel and rotten in her eyes. Well most all men except Charlie, Isaac, Tao and maybe Mr.Ajayi. She knew that logically most men were probably fine, but they just kept proving her right.

For that very reason she dreaded starting at Truham Grammer School. Also known as an all boys school.

You may be asking why the hell would she put herself through that if she hates men? It was all for her beloved Charlie, Estella's rock, platonic soulmate, enter all compliments here.

Last year was miserable, everyday seeing Charlie's face morphing into a mask of pain and hurt. Higgs felt like a prison, keeping her from helping.

That's what Estella did. She was the person everyone went to for help. Need a bandaid? Estella has one. Need advice or someone to listen? She would sit with you for hours.

She had made a promise that Charlie would never go through that shit ever again. Maybe it was partly because she hated being helpless.

Hence why she was going to Truham this year.

The sunlight warms Estella's face as it seeps through her window. Usually the rays of sun would have caused her eyes to open, but she was already awake. That seemed to be the case lately.

The melatonin bottle on her bedside table lay knocked over, pills spilling out in a display of purple. Estella hadn't kept track of how many she had taken last night but it was never enough.

The bed squeaked as Estella sat up, the warmth leaving her body as her weighted blanket fell to the floor. With that Estella made her way to her Mum's room, the sunlight hitting the blue painted door.

She carefully held her ear up to that very door, listening for any sound of life. Thankfully she was already gone. One wrong move could have ruined the entire day.

After a quick shower, and quickly changing into her uniform, Estella face-timed Charlie.

The duo had been inseparable since primary school when Charlie had fallen quite dramatically off the monkey bars. And Estella, who had watched the whole thing ran up to him with a Spider-Man bandaid clasped between her chubby fingers

She was a prepared child and he was rather clumsy. Along with that very sweet moment, they also shared the same birthday: April 27th. Which of course was a moment of fate.

If there was one thing Estella believed in, it was fate. Just as Romeo and Juliet were fated to die, Estella knew she was fated to live the life she does.

It was the way of the world she lived in.

Charlie picks up just as Estella finishes doing her hair. "Stella are you okay? You look fucking exhausted." He grimaces at the wording, "You know what I mean."

"What happened to hi? Hello? How are you?" Estella shoots him a glare before returning to her eyeliner.

"Hi. Hello. How are you."

"I'm doing amazing and you?"

"I'm fucking dandy. Now I'll have you, Tao and Isaac to annoy." Charlie smirks.

Estella rolls her eyes, adding her favorite highlighter to her makeup. "Shut up and get something to eat, we need to head to the bus."

Charlie nods and hangs up, while Estella gathers all her school supplies. Pluto waits by the door and her heart just about breaks.

She kneels down as he comes trotting over. Estella and Charlie were 10 when they walked into the pound, Estella taking one look at the sad dog in the corner before choosing him.

Redamancy   ✽Nick Nelson x fem!oc✽Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant