Chapter 2

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They had reasons to hate her.

Her mum and Bill that is. They never failed to list them. Estella tells herself that she's dealt with worse.

Because it's true. She had gone to school with a broken arm and black eyes. Only Mr.Ajayi noticing how she carefully cradled her left arm throughout the day. He had helped her get her hands on a first aid kit. Although he never really knew why.

But she really shouldn't be complaining, Charlie had gone through worse. He had been ridiculed and pushed to the brink. Estella was the one who had held him as he sobbed. She had bandaged him when the world became too much.

So whatever she went through with her mum and whatever boyfriend she had at the time was justified.


Morning came around slowly as it always did. The sun rousing her from her half asleep state. She had binge watched all her comfort movies and was in the middle of Hamilton when her screen became barely visible due to the sun.

Her mum and Bill were gone this morning, hopefully never returning. But that was a bit too optimistic for Estella.

She gingerly pulled her uniform on, the black and blue visible from under the layer gauze.

Estella made sure to layer her usual white button up with a dark sweater over. So no one would be able to see the bruising creeping up her arm.

Next came tackling the bruise on her face. It was only semi noticeable from under a layer of foundation and concealer. She couldn't layer much as every touch set her face on fire.

After a miserable bus ride, Estella walked into form, trying not to grimace with every breath, every step.

"Hi." Nick whispered with a soft smile. His brown eyes perfectly hit by the sun.

"Hi." She echoed, her hair falling out of its braid. Estella was slightly confused as to why he kept saying hi to her. Usually it was one introduction and then ignoring each other for the rest of the year.

Nick turned back to his homework, fiddling with his fountain pen, the squeaking making it hard to focus.

"Shit." He mumbled under his breath, as Estella turned to him confused as to why she felt liquid splash on her face.

His pen had exploded blue ink all over the table, Nicks hands as well as Estella's sweater and face.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen. You don't have any tissues do you?" He asks embarrassed. Estella shook her head as the teacher came over to their table.

"Oh dear, Nick you'd better go clean up in the bathroom. Estella will you please go with Nick and open the doors for him? Maybe get some of the ink off your face too?"

The walk to the bathroom was silent, Nick rethinking every decision he's made up until that point. He was incredibly embarrassed that he had gotten ink everywhere. That had never happened before, especially with a pretty girl.

Estella was simply wondering if she would be able to get the ink off. Just add it to the list of blue.

"I'm really sorry about this... I really didn't mean to get ink on your face and clothes." Nick says with a sheepish smile as Estella opened the door to the hall for him.

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