Chapter 12

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Estella must have spent an hour just deciding what she was going to wear. Not to mention having to deal with her poofy hair.

Eventually she had decided on her baggy jeans and a green sweater with a white lacy shirt layered underneath. Really just wanting to be comfortable and feel slightly pretty.

However the closer it got to the time she had to leave, the more scenarios started making their way into her brain. So she did what she always does, text Charlie.


Charlie, Estella

What if Harry is there? or his friends think I'm weird?

Didn't Nick clarify that Harry specifically wasn't going to be there?
Also his friends all already like you, Nick always talks about you in the locker room and they all have perfectly nice things to say bout you

Sort of ironic, YOU telling me not to worry

Shut up 😒
Do you need a ride home? My dad told me to offer one 😽

I dunno I'll text you what happens! Nick might also offer but we'll see

Okay just text me what happens and if anything happens at all you need to call me and we'll pick you up

Thank you Char
Love you!! 😽
Tell Ezra I said hi 😏

love you too ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
he says hi back lol

end of messages

The bus ride to the theater was fully of sweaty and stinky construction workers. Estella tried to stand on the very end of the bus to somehow avoid the smell but it quickly wafted over.

She didn't have anything against them, they're just hardworking people making a living. But man oh man, do some of then need to discover deodorant. Estella was right about to offer a good brand when the bus stopped at the station a couple blocks from the theater.

Maybe fate was siding with Estella for once.

The couple blocks that she walked although windy were quite peaceful. As Estella walked up to the cinema, Nick quickly jogged out to meet her, engulfing her in a hug.



The two hurriedly walked into the theater as the wind was starting to bite at their faces.

"Uh- are you sure you're friends are going to be okay with me being here? I don't want to intrude." Estella meets his eyes as they walk over so she can buy her ticket.

Nick nods reassuringly, "Yeah of course! You'll be fine, Ben and Harry aren't coming." Estella looks down at the ground, really starting to worry. "What, are you nervous?"

"I don't know. They all probably think I'm this quiet nobody." Estella shrugs, trying to lighten the topic a bit.

Nick shakes his head before saying. "Well I will admit when I first met you I thought you were quiet but that doesn't define you. And you most definitely are not a nobody."

"Why thank you rugby lad." She says with a teasing smile.

The two continue to tease each other, back and forth as they make their way to where Nick's friends are.

Estella almost stops in her tracks when she spots a certain red head and brunet laughing with Nick's mates.

"All right, look Nick and his 'best mate'." Harry says putting air quotations around "best mate".

Redamancy   ✽Nick Nelson x fem!oc✽जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें