Chapter 6

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(Nicks pov for a bit)

Nick sits at the table by the school gate, as he usually does, but this time he's deep in thought.
Harry walks towards him, slapping his hand on Nick's back. "Nicholas, how's it?"

"Its fine." Nick says, not really wanting to talk to Harry right now.

Harry sniffs before saying with a smirk. "Pleased for you mate."

"So what's up?"

"I'm here to talk about the party mate." He says it likes its obvious.

Nick's eyebrows raise. "Party?"

"My 16th birthday party. St. George's Hotel this Saturday. You're gonna be there." Harry finishes with a cocky expression.

Hesitantly Nick nods. "Yeah-" he barely finishes saying before Harry interrupts.

"Sounds good. You better bring some cool people with you as well. Maybe the new hot girl. What's her name Estelle?"

Nicks smile fades into a line. Since when did Harry like Estella? He couldn't even get her name right. Did she like him back?

A bright blond comes trotting towards Nick as soon as Harry leaves. "You going to invite me?" She asks with an expectant look.

"Uh- only if you're cool enough apparently." Nick teases.

Imogne lets out a offended scoff. "Do you not think I'm cool Nick Nelson?"

He knows she's flirting with him and honestly he doesn't feel the same. Sure Imogen's pretty and she's a good friend but Nick's attraction belongs to well, two others.

He jokingly rolls his eyes. "Fine. I- guess I can invite you Imogen."

"Yeah! yeah definitely." Imogen's smile widens even more if it were possible.


Estella sits down next to Nick as always. But for some reason, his smile feels different.

"Hey." Estella says as she sits down, Nick looking deep in thought.

Nick can smell her lavender perfume and it's a lovely scent, really suits her personality for some reason.

"Do you want to go to Harry's party?" He asks nervously. "With me?" He clarifies.

Estella looks away for a second, not able to think when he's looking at her like that. She hesitates, not wanting to hurt his feelings. "Oh. I- I don't know. It doesn't really sound like my sort of thing."

"Please come! I want you to be there. I already invited Charlie and he said he would." Nick jokingly gives her the puppy eyes.


Thank god she was going, Nick did not want to have to hang out with Harry that whole time.


(Back to Estella's pov also texting pov)

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