Chapter 7

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Charlie💫, Estella🌞

Estella 🌞

Hey, I know it's late but could I please come over?

I need you.

Charlie 💫

Of course.

As much as Estella would rather deal with this by herself, she knew she couldn't. There was no way she could. Not when she could barely make it to Charlie's house.

Charlie takes one look at her before hugging her tight. It's only when she makes a yelp of pain that he realizes she's hurt. "I'm sorry oh my god. Estella is that blood? What the hell happened?"

"Um... it's kind of a long story, and i feel really dizzy. So maybe I could tell you inside?" Estella grabs onto his hand for support, trying not to faint.

"Of course. I'll find some bandaids and something to clean it with."

The duo starts to walk upstairs when Charlie's dad asks from the living room. "Charlie? Is that Estella?"

Charlie glances at Estella who shakes her head. Silently asking him not to say anything. "Yeah. We were texting and wanted to have a sleepover."

"Fine just don't stay up too late, we're going to Grandma's tomorrow."

The duo slowly make their way up the stairs, Charlie trying to make sure Estella doesn't collapse. A door starts to open and the two freeze, not wanting to get caught.

"Stella? Why do you have red paint on you?" Olly asks as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

Estella looks at Charlie with an oh shit expression before answering. "I was painting, and forgot to change my clothes. Now head back to bed darling, I'll be here in the morning."

"Night Stella."

Finally making it to Charlie's room, Estella collapses against his bed, trying not to get blood anywhere.

"Stay here, I'm gonna grab bandaids and rubbing alcohol to clean it with and some of my clothes to change into." Charlie disappears into the hallway.

Estella can feel her chest caving in, barely able to breathe. The only thing grounding her is the smell of Charlie throughout his room.

Charlie comes rushing back into the room, quickly closing and locking the door.

"Okay I found some ace bandages and rubbing alcohol. It's going to hurt really bad but it's all we have and I don't want it to get infected." Charlie rambles as he gathers all the supplies in one spot.

Estella reaches out with her good arm and gently touches his shoulder. "I don't think you know just how much I appreciate this. I'm sorry about tonight."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm so sorry. I was being a complete dick to you and I didn't even realize it until we got home. I've been so focused on romance and my crush that I didn't even realize something was going on with you. And now you're hurt." His voice cracks and tears well up in his soft blue eyes.

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