Chapter 19

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TW: Panic attack and implied suicidal thoughts. If this triggers you please skip the first part, I'll let you know when the trigger is over 💗

The morning of the Paris trip, Estella had finished packing around 3 am and was gently playing guitar when she heard her phone buzzing.

Thinking it was Nick, she checked it.

She wished she hadn't.


Unknown number
EStella, I'm sa proud of you bur I m raekly sory I lOve yoh with all my hArt

Who the fuck is this?

Unknown number
It's yuor mum
I luove you

You don't get to just say sorry and I love you like nothing happened. Someone who loved me wouldn't do this type of shit to me.
Please don't text me again.

(Blocked contact)

Estella hadn't heard from her mum for months on end, and now she was getting drunk texts from her? Sirius was asleep and there was no way she was telling Nick about it, so Estella sat in her cold room, unable to take a breath.

The more she cried, the harder it got to breathe. Estella buried her face in her shaking hands, wanting it all just to end.

God, she hates her mum for what she did, so why does she miss her like a little kid?

Eventually Pluto woke up from her gasping sobs and ran to cuddle her. The pressure slightly helping Estella catch her breath.

What the fuck was wrong with her?



After another 4 sleepless hours, Estella was finally going to leave for Paris. The bags under her eyes seemed to go on for miles and her nose and cheeks were still slightly pink from crying.

Nevertheless, Estella got dressed in a grandpa sweater that she stole from Charlie and her baggy jean shorts. She made sure to give Pluto plenty of hugs and kisses, reassuring him that she wasn't just leaving forever.

Sirius, thankfully, was going to take care of Pluto while she was gone. But that didn't stop her from babying her baby.

Estella quietly snuck into Sirius's room to wake him up. "Hey Siri, you said you could take me to the school?"

"Yea- I'll be- I'm up. Soon." Sirius grumbled, pulling his blanket over his face as Estella turned on the hallway light.

She double checked her duffel bag and then her backpack, making sure she had absolutely everything. Pluto paced behind her, he clearly figured out that she was leaving.


Sirius turns to face Estella after he had parked. "Just call me if you need anything. Even if you want me to come pick you up-"

"Thank you Sirius but I'll be fine. I'll see you soon." Estella cuts him off, grabbing her stuff and getting out of his car.

The two siblings wave at each other and Estella starts walking towards her boyfriend, who is waiting near the bus with a grin.

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