Chapter 16

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Her Hogwarts letter finally came in....

Jkjk 😽

Adjusting to another person sharing the same house after a couple months of being completely alone was weird to say the least. Not to mention it was her runaway brother that she hadn't seen since primary school.

Sirius was usually gone by the time Estella 'woke up' but there were traces that he had been there. Sirius was always like that, a hurricane of a person. Leaving all his shit everywhere.

Although it had been nice as he had bought all the groceries that Estella hadn't gotten around to.

"So I have a favor I need to ask you." Estella said keeping her eyes on the tv screen.


"I- uh... well there are parent-teacher conferences coming up and it's not like mum is going to go. So I was wondering if you'd be able to step in? You don't have to stay for long or even pay attention-" Estella rambles, nervously picking at her finger.

Sirius quickly cuts her off. "Of course I'll go."

"Are you sure? I know you probably have better things to be doing."

"I want to be there for you bug. So yeah I'll come see all the teachers that hated me." Sirius smiles earnestly at her, glad that she's finally starting to open up a bit.


"Sirius! Lovely to see you dear, I assume you're here for Estella?" Mr. Ajayi used to teach Sirius for art, and would never admit it but he had a soft spot for the Walters siblings. Even though Sirius was drastically bad at art.

"Yes sir. Our mum is on a business trip." Sirius answered politely, using the excuse the two had come up with on the drive to the school.

"Alright then, Estella is one of my best students in art. Although you still haven't turned in that final project."

Estella just continues looking straight down at the ground, avoiding either of their stares.

Next came her English teacher. "If this isn't her best subject then I would be very surprised. Estella is passing this class with flying colors. It almost seems too easy for her."

"Well I'm glad one of us is good at English." Sirius joked, following Estella's line of sight to a certain brown eyed boy. Why was she staring at Nicholas Nelson?

The interviews drudged on and on until finally they were allowed to leave. Estella had gotten mostly good reports with a few about how some days she seemed 'sad'.

Yeah no shit Sherlock.

"Hey good job at school Estie. It's a big change from failing math in 2nd grade." Sirius tried to joke as they drove home. Estella had been in a sort of mood since the interviews.

"Yeah, well I didn't have you try and explain to me that 2+2 is 5."

"Hey! That's uncalled for. Although I genuinely don't know how I passed primary." He went quiet for a moment, trying not sound like he was prying. "Are you friends with Nick Nelson?"

"Why do you ask?" Estella did not want to be discussing her boyfriend with her brother.

"Well you were staring at him and I saw that he texted you." Sirius trailed off, seeing the annoyed expression on Estella's face.

"First off, don't look at my phone. And second off we're dating... he's my boyfriend."

Sirius goes quiet for a moment before responding. "Oh- Do I need to have that talk with you? Yknow about-"

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